WOD – Wednesday 19 February 2025
PART A: Strength & Skill
Squat Snatch
Take 10 minutes to establish a 1RM or heavy single Snatch for the day.
1RM Approaches
You are working with 10 minutes here so you have to be approaching your lifts and jumps in weight with a purpose. In this there are really two main approaches. The first is just to do all singles and add weight as you feel. The second is to do a Strength approach and go 3-2-1-1-1-1-1. This allows those sets of 3 and 2 to be more of the warm up and technique dialing in reps and then you can get into your singles once those two sets are done.
Pro Tip: You don’t only have to move up in weight if you successfully hit the previous weight. This means that if your fail felt really good on a failed attempt and are were aware of why you missed it, then you can jump to the next weight so you can save time and more importantly energy.
480m Run/ 500m Row/ 40/32 Cal AB
3 Rounds of:
20 Power Cleans (50/35kg)
15 Strict Handstand Push Ups/ Kipping
480m Run/ 500m Row/ 40/32Cal AB
Intended Workout RPE: 8.0 – 8.5 80-85% – moderate/high intensity
Target Time: sub 15 minutes
Time Cap: 20 minutes
How to Pace: GRIND! Starting off, we want to be controlled but aggressive (80-85% effort). Survive the middle, then send it home on the final ski! Stay smart, stay moving, and crush the finish. Control your breathing and aim for similar round times across the middle.
How it should Feel: CARDIO & MUSCULAR ENDURANCE The strict handstand push ups will burn out pressing endurance, especially after skiing. The midline will begin to break down, especially in that final ski. Know the fatigue will come and be ready for it!
Ski: Start off Moderate aggressive off the start (75-80%) while trying to replicate an increased effort on the final 10-15 calories for the second ski. Focus on total body movement and breathing through the motion.
Power Clean: Weight should be light (under 60% of 1RM) where you should be able to touch and go a couple of sets before transitioning to fast singles.
Strict Handstand Push Up: This is the station you need to be smart and avoid going all out til the last set. Break sooner than later and never rest at the bottom.
Mobility and Maintenance: Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation: Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.
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