21 May HOME WOD – Thursday 21 May 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminThis one is an all lower body affair today, with all three movements being similar enough to each other that you will start compounding on one another, but also different enough that you will be able to keep moving between you all without the need for too much rest.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(10 min.) Warm-up
Start with 5-10 reps of Hip Flow #2
Then, perform:
10 Plank shoulder taps
10 Air squat + up and over the fence
20 Jumping jacks
2 rounds
(10 min.) Project Squat Better #11
20 sec. Squat hold/10 sec. Rest
4 rounds
20 sec. Jiu-Jitsu drill /10 sec. Rest
4 Rounds
20 sec. Air squat/10 sec. Hold in bottom of squat
4 Rounds
* For some athletes, start with an opposite tabata, where they hold for 10 sec/rest 20 sec.
* The drill is done for quality, not reps.
(10-15 min.) Prep for the workout
Review the movements as needed for each track.
FL and PL – Lunge, snatch and jump-overs
UL – Lunge, step-ups and jump overs
Then, perform:
12 Walking lunges
6 Alt. Snatch/step-up
12 Lateral jumps
2-3 rounds
* Add load on lunges for last two rounds for FL and PL.
(12 min.) Perform the workout
10 x Down dog into cobra – hold each position
10 x Back bridge up/downs – hold each one for 5+ sec. – scale as needed.
AMRAP 12 min
12 Walking Lunges
12 Stationary Step-ups (6 each side)
24 Lateral Object Jump-overs
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes.
Step-ups: Scale height as needed. Then, modify to lateral step up and over an object.
Object jump-overs: Scale the height of the objects.
WOD Goal
This one is an all lower body affair today, with all three movements being similar enough to each other that you will start compounding on one another, but also different enough that you will be able to keep moving between you all without the need for too much rest.
* Switch dumbbells for objects for the jump-overs.
Find a pace that you can maintain for 12 minutes. The legs will start to feel heavy around the 3rd-4th round. You should also shoot for upwards of 7+ rounds.
AMRAP 12 min
12 DB Lunges
12 Alt. DB Snatch
24 Lateral DB Jump-overs
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes.
Lunges: Scale to a lighter DB if possible. Or, omit the load.
Db snatches: Scale the load if possible. Or, perform a double hand (single db) devils press (no burpee)
Lateral DB jump-overs: Scale to jumping over one Dumbbell, or modify to fast feet, or a low fast step-up.
WOD Goal
The intention for today is to get through the triplet at an even pace across the workout. It is going to challenge the lower body and lungs. We still need you to rely on the upper body for the snatches, but that isn’t going to be the limiting factor for most people. If you are feeling a little stiff from the heavy lifting yesterday, be sure to warm up well and get some range around your joints before launching into this little lung buster.
The lunges are done walking. If space is limited, have you perform you alternating. You can hold the Dumbbells however you like. The snatches are done as alternating.
For the dumbbell jump-overs, place two dumbbells 1 foot apart and jump over both. Scale this to one as needed.
The goal is to keep moving throughout the workout and hit at least 6+ rounds. Top athletes will most likely get to 8, while the majority around 6-7. You should aim to take your breaks quickly between movements and keep a consistent pacing throughout, with a little push towards the end if you have anything left in the tank. The limiting factor will start to be the jump-overs because of the heavy breathing you invoke! But, since you are over with so quickly, the recovery is quick and it’s straight back into the lunges.
AMRAP 12 min
12 DB Lunges
12 Alt. DB Snatch
24 Lateral DB Jump-overs
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes.
Lunges: Scale to a lighter DB if possible. Or, omit the load.
Db snatches: Scale the load if possible. Or, perform a double hand (single db) devils press (no burpee)
Lateral DB jump-overs: Scale to jumping over one Dumbbell, or modify to fast feet, or a low fast step-up.
WOD Goal
The intention for today is to get through the triplet at an even pace across the workout. It is going to challenge the lower body and lungs. We still need you to rely on the upper body for the snatches, but that isn’t going to be the limiting factor for most people. If you are feeling a little stiff from the heavy lifting yesterday, be sure to warm up well and get some range around your joints before launching into this little lung buster.
The lunges are done walking. If space is limited, have you perform you alternating. You can hold the Dumbbells however you like. The snatches are done as alternating.
For the dumbbell jump-overs, place two dumbbells 1 foot apart and jump over both. Scale this to one as needed.
The goal is to keep moving throughout the workout and hit at least 6+ rounds. Top athletes will most likely get to 8, while the majority around 6-7. You should aim to take your breaks quickly between movements and keep a consistent pacing throughout, with a little push towards the end if you have anything left in the tank. The limiting factor will start to be the jump-overs because of the heavy breathing you invoke! But, since you are over with so quickly, the recovery is quick and it’s straight back into the lunges.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.