25 Apr HOME WOD – Saturday 25 April 2020

There is no video today, it’s that simple! Check out the board and detail below and rock it!:-)

Send photos or videos of your workout to www.facebook.com/crossfitplett or #crossfitplett on Instagram.


 Fully and Partially Loaded: The goal for today is to stay moving the whole time. And to run hard! Run, then do some dumbbell movements, repeat….. The load will start to feel heavy during the middle set of the man-makers, but everything before that should be able to be done relatively quickly and unbroken.

Because of the chipper style for the dumbbell movements, nothing will compound on each other too much, allowing you to keep moving. The bottleneck will be the 25 man-makers. That is technically 4 movements per 1 rep, so, 100 total reps. This alone will take you upwards of 3 minutes.

Remember, make the workout about the runs! Run hard and hang on with whatever is left inside the gym. Even if that means breaking the movements up a little more, we want you to push the runs!

We have allowed 20 min. to get the workout done today. Some of you will take a bit quicker than that, but, ideally keeping it under 20 minutes is the goal.


Unloaded: Still make it about the runs! Run hard and get the bodyweight movements done as quickly as possible while managing the fatigue that will start to set in. We opted for two sets of burpees today. Keeping it simple and effective.

Some of you will most likely be able to keep the workout under 15 minutes today.



5 – 10 MINS

Skip, shuttle Run, object step ups (5 min)
Samson lunges
Butt kickers
Toe walking/heel walking
Karaoke drills



(10 min.) Running Prep

Jog 50 m – Run 50 m moderate – walk back
2 rounds
Run 100 m moderate – Run 100 m hard – walk back
2 Rounds
Run 200 m Hard-Sprint – walk back
1 round
* Rest is the walking back
* Make sure people are warm before they start sprinting


Fully and Partially Loaded

(10 min.) Dumbbell Movement Prep

With a light set of Dumbbells, as a group have them perform;
6 DB Push-ups + 6 Db Burpee

Then, with a box (without dumbbells) perform 10 Step-ups, then add the Dumbbells and perform another 8-10.

Then, lastly, perform 3 total man-makers.



With a box perform 10 stationary step-ups, then perform 5 burpee step-ups.

Then, separately – 5 burpees + 10 step-ups.

* Prep as needed for Workout

(20 min.) Perform the workout



1 min. Each side pigeon plus reach forward with body and arms
1 min. Each side Hamstring stretch

Run 400 m
25 Burpees
Run 400 m
25 Object Step-ups
Run 400 m
25 Burpees
Run 400m



Time to complete the workout



Run: Scale to 100 toe-taps if needed.

Burpees: Scale to kick-backs.

Step-ups: Find something to step UP onto, or over.

Run 400 m
25 DB Burpees (50/35 lb.)
Run 400 m
25 DB Step Ups (DB’s on Shoulders)
Run 400 m
25 Man-makers
Run 400m



Time to complete the workout



Run: Scale the distance per round if needed. Scale to 100 double-under per round if needed.

Burpees: Omit the dumbbells if you need to.

Step-ups: Scale to one db, then none.
* For PL, find something to step UP onto, or over.

Man-makers: Scale to one db, alternating every 5 reps.

Run 400 m
25 DB Burpees (50/35 lb.)
Run 400 m
25 DB Step Ups (DB’s on Shoulders) – 24/20 in.
Run 400 m
25 Man-makers
Run 400m



Time to complete the workout



Run: Scale the distance per round if needed. Scale to 100 double-under per round if needed.

Burpees: Omit the dumbbells if you need to.

Step-ups: Scale to one db, then none.
* For PL, find something to step UP onto, or over.

Man-makers: Scale to one db, alternating every 5 reps.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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24 Apr HOME WOD – Friday 24 April 2020

WOD Goal

Fully Loaded: We want you to find the appropriate load for you. It is prescribed as ¾ body weight, but that might be too heavy for some of you. The goal is to be able to perform all 15 reps unbroken with it feeling really awful around rep 9 or 10. After round 1, you won’t be fresh, so the load will feel even heavier still.

You should have roughly 2-3 min. left to perform the wall balls or muscle-ups. It will feel like a long time, especially as you start to fatigue. The goal should be to average around 25+ wall balls in sets of 10 + for the first round and maybe set of 8+ for the second round. At least 5+ Muscle Ups per round. Anything less for the muscle-ups, think about scaling.

Partially Loaded: You should also have around 2-3 min. Left to perform the slams and clusters since the loading is lighter. If 20 reps unbroken seems too light, you can have you use two dumbbells resting on your upper back. Like a front squat rack but way higher with elbows pointing high.

For both movements shoot for 20 + each round. Most likely a little higher for the slams, with the last round of clusters seeing a slight decline, given the accumulated fatigue over the 6 rounds.

Unloaded: The 12 over-unders will take most people over 1 minute, leaving roughly the same amount of time as the other two tracks to perform the other movements. The jumping lunges will get spicy fast and you will need to break these up into chunks. Perform a set, rest. Perform a set, rest. Performing large amounts of these unbroken is really hard! For the wall squat hold, the goal is to hold for as long as possible within each round. You might want to take the last 10-20 sec before the end of the time to shake the legs out and get ready to squat again, otherwise your legs may not cooperate going straight into the over-unders!

Have you shoot for 40+ jumping lunges per round.


Briefing video


Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.







(10-15 min.) Dynamic warm-up

2-3 Rounds

5-10 reps long lunge sequence
10 x Single leg bridge ups
5-10 alt.Warrior stretch
Wall squats



(20 min.) Prep for the workout


Fully Loaded

(10 min.) Back Squat prep

10 reps with an empty barbell – pause at the bottom for 3 sec. after every 2 reps
8 reps – pause at the bottom for 5 sec. after every 2 reps
6 reps – no pause
2-3 x 4 reps back squat
* The second set of 4 should be done at their working weight.


(10 min.) Bar muscle-up prep

BIG Kips – The kip needs to be bigger than a pullup kip
Big Kip + Pulling down on the bar in the back swing
Pulling Knees up, or popping the hips
Full movement QUICK SCALE: Have people do the progressions up until here and then have them work their workout modification.
Finish off with 2-3 Reps of their workout modification


Partially Loaded

(10 min.) Back Squat prep

10 reps with no load – pause at the bottom for 3 sec. For every rep
8 reps with no load – pause at the bottom for 5 sec. after every 2 reps
6 reps with dumbbell – pause every second rep
2-3 x 4 reps with their workout load.


(5 min.) Slam and cluster prep

30 sec. Db slams
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Clusters
30 sec. Rest



(5-10 min.) Find something to step-up onto. Or use your over-under set up and step over this.

10 Step-ups
10 Lateral Step-ups – each side
5 Jump overs
5 Jump over, crawl under (full movement)


(5-10 min.) Prep

4 Lunges + 4 jumping lunges
30 sec. Wall squat
2 rounds

* Prep as needed for workout

(20 min.) Perform the workout

6 rounds

12 Over-unders
With time that is remaining of
4 min. perform AMRAP
Rnd 1,3 and 5: Jumping Lunges
Rnd 2, 4 and 6: Hold Wall Squat



Score total reps of muscle-ups/db slams/jumping lunges and wall balls/clusters.
* Squat hold has no score. Every time they break, take off 3 reps from their total.

6 rounds

20 DB Back Squat (50/35 lb.)
With time that is remaining of
4 min. perform AMRAP
Rnd 1,3 and 5: Db Slams
Rnd 2, 4 and 6: Single DB Cluster



Score total reps of muscle-ups/db slams/jumping lunges and wall balls/clusters.
* Squat hold has no score. Every time they break, take off 3 reps from their total.

6 rounds

15 Back Squat at 3/4 Body weight
With time that is remaining of
4 min. perform AMRAP
Rnd 1,3 and 5: Bar Muscle Up
Rnd 2, 4 and 6: Wall Ball (20/14 lb.)



Score total reps of muscle-ups/db slams/jumping lunges and wall balls/clusters.
* Squat hold has no score. Every time they break, take off 3 reps from their total.



Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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23 Apr HOME WOD – Thursday 23 April 2020


Fully Loaded

Yesterday we took a break from weightlifting and overhead movements. Today is about focusing on technique and getting some time under tension overhead for all three pressing movements.

Partially Loaded

We have increased the overall volume to each set for you. The design is still to go unbroken. Also, If the dumbbells are heavy enough to feel challenged by less reps, do that. But most people won’t have heavy enough dumbbells for this.


We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practice and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement.



Briefing video



Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.







(5 min.) Warm-up

T-spine rotation with shoulder rolls
6-point burpees
Air squat to up and over the fence


(5 min.) More Shoulder prep

Lying internal/external shoulder rotations– 30 sec. Each side.
1 min. Split stance T-spine rotation



(10 min.) Review and Prep for Pressing


Fully and Partially Loaded

With a PVC/Barbell/DB (use one here), quickly review the Press – Push Press and Push Jerk. Get them moving well through all the positions. Spend some more time on the Push Jerk if needed.

Then, perform 3 rounds of the complex to work up to their first set:
1 Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk
* Increase the load each time for FL to get to their starting weight.
* For PL, use this to find what version they will use and if they need to add more reps, take one DB away etc.



Perform the following:

5 x Kick up-down handstand holds – hold each one for about 3 sec. – use half handstands as a scale.
5 Inverted shoulder shrugs – scale to pike hold shoulder shrugs.
5 Pike handstand push-ups

Then, using their version or modified version, perform 1 round to test for any adjustments needed.


(20-25 min.) Perform Lifting/Getting inverted portion.

* Perform a set every 3-4 min. (less rest in the earlier rounds and more rest in the later rounds)


(10 min.) Perform Finisher

* Take a few minutes to prep and then get straight into it!

We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practice and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement. If you aren’t into getting inverted more than once per week, we will offer a variation in the goal section below.

For your finisher, you will perform death by kick-sits. Every minute have them add two kick-sits, one for each side.


7 Rounds

1 Strict HSPU
2 Kipping HSPU
Max Unbroken Handstand Hold

Death by Kick-sits



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.


WOD Goal

Unloaded: This is going to be a challenge for you to perform unbroken, or at all. So, be loose on the guidelines and then continue to modify from there. For those not wanting to get inverted, perform this instead:

Pike round the worlds(in both directions, so 2 total) Or 4 Wall Walks
4 15 sec. Push-ups (take a full 15 sec. To get down and up)
6 2-fer-1 Burpees
7 rounds.

For the finisher, a good goal would be to reach the set of 10-12 reps.



Complex: Either use the option above in the goal section, or scale it as:
2 negative strict lowers
4 wall climbs – as high as possible
Max handstand hold – scale to a pike handstand hold.

Kick-sits: Scale to an emom of 15 sec. Supine plank + 15 sec. On the spot bear crawls/marches. Go for up to 5-6 minutes.

We have increased the overall volume to each set for you. The design is still to go unbroken. Also, If the dumbbells are heavy enough to feel challenged by less reps, do that. But most people won’t have heavy enough dumbbells for this.

The death by Single Arm. DB high pull is similar to the strict pull-ups in that the movement is limited by strength through this range and doesn’t allow additional hip power to decrease the difficulty. It isn’t a SDHP, but a strict standing high pull. For this, you add two reps every minute, on each side.


7 Rounds

2 SA. DB Press
4 SA. DB Push Press
6 SA. DB Push Jerk

* Holding two DB’s.


Death by SA. DB High Pull



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.

We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practise and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement. If you aren’t into getting inverted more than once per week, we will offer a variation in the goal section below.

For your finisher, you will perform death by kick-sits. Every minute have them add two kick-sits, one for each side.


7 Rounds

1 Press
2 Push Press
3 Push Jerk

* Not For Time


Death by Strict Pull-ups



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.



Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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22 Apr HOME WOD – Wednesday 22 April 2020

WOD Goal:

The goal is to do as many reps as possible across the whole workout. So, you should think about how best you can utilise your energy across the 16 min. Each movement is different enough that we think the best method is to go as hard as you can every 20 sec. You may start fatiguing a little, but you should still be able to hold the same number of reps each time for each movement. That is the beauty of Tabata, the work/rest ratio is such that you can maintain a high intensity for an extended period of time. If you start to fatigue to the point that everything starts to slow down, then you have just learnt where your threshold is and that is a great lesson to learn at some point. We just don’t want people being too conservative.


Both jump-overs will be the most time consuming movement for some people, especially in the Fully Loaded track, but top performers can move pretty quickly and you would probably perform around 5-6 reps per round. Most people should aim for 4-5 per round (20 sec). Add a few reps on there for the Partially Loaded and the UnLoaded track, since you only need to jump over an object and not on and over. Everyone should aim to get upwards of 7 reps of sit-ups per round.



Briefing video


Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.







Quick Ninja flow
Walking/Standing pigeon
Sumo Squats
Hamstring toe touch string
Rotational planks
Samson stretch


(5-10 min.) Get-up drills to get bouncy

Lie on the ground (belly down), when the coach calls 3,2,1 go, they jump up and run 25-50 ft. – If they have no space, have them jump up and instead of run, perform 10 air squats.
* Repeat again with the following positions/movements
Rnd 2-
Lie on back, feet facing the way they are going to run, jump up and run 25-50 ft, perform bear crawls back – or on spot
Rnd 3-
Sit Cross Legged facing the way they are going to run, perform long lateral lunges back
Rnd 4-
Sit on knees and Jump to feet on GO, perform straight legged Bear Crawls back
* Add more rounds if you like…



(10 min.) Review and Prep for Workout

* As a group, go through each movement and their modifications.

Then, if needed, have them perform 4-6 reps of both box/object jump movements at the height they will do for the workout.

* Prep as needed for the Workout.

(16-20 min.) Perform Workout



Take a 200m walk/jog then perform Down Dog alternating with Cobra position for 5-6 rotations, holding each position for 5-10 sec and pushing into the stretch a little further each time.

TABATA (20 seconds work, 10 seconds off, 4 minutes)
Lateral Object Jump Overs
Object L-sit
Object Jump Overs



Total reps. Add ALL reps from each movement together to get one score.

* Performing the L-Sit doesn’t count as any reps, BUT if people need to break it up at all during the 20 sec efforts, they need to take away 3 reps from their total score each time they break.


For the object jump-overs, find something that is challenging in height but something you can keep moving for 20 seconds on.

For the L-sits, use something that has enough height (two tables pushed close) for your feet to clear the ground.

TABATA (20 seconds work, 10 seconds off, 4 minutes)
Lateral Object Jump Overs
DB L-Sit
Object Jump Overs



Total reps. Add ALL reps from each movement together to get one score.
* Performing the L-Sit doesn’t count as any reps, BUT if people need to break it up at all during the 20 sec efforts, they need to take away 3 reps from their total score each time they break.


For the object jump-overs, find something that is challenging in height but something you can keep moving for 20 seconds on.

For the L-sits, use something that has enough height (two tables pushed close) for your feet to clear the ground.


TABATA (20 seconds work, 10 seconds off, 4 minutes)
Lateral Box Jump Overs (20 in.)
Ring L-Sit
Box Jump Overs (20 in.)



Total reps. Add ALL reps from each movement together to get one score.
* Performing the L-Sit doesn’t count as any reps, BUT if people need to break it up at all during the 20 sec efforts, they need to take away 3 reps from their total score each time they break.

Fully Loaded

The lateral Box Jump Overs can be performed as one jump over the box, or jump on then over the box (much safer). You need to be two foot take offs and landing. Use the same height for both the lateral jumps and the forward facing jumps.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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21 Apr HOME WOD – Tuesday 21 April 2020

WOD Goal

Fully Loaded: The load is intended to be really heavy. Doing the sets of hang squat snatch + OH squats unbroken will be really challenging for most you. Some of you stronger athletes may be able to do your first round unbroken, but might have trouble with the rest. A reasonable amount of breaking up would be doing all the hang squat snatches unbroken, then all the OH squats unbroken. If you start off with doing sets of 1 rep at a time, the load is too heavy. Scale as needed.

Partially Loaded: Both dumbbell movements today can be awkward if you lack the ROM to move easily through the positions. This may slow you down a little. That is ok. Today is about being a little awkward, heavy feeling and hard on the shoulders.

FL and PL: Top performers, those who are able to move through each round without much breaking up of sets will be able to perform the workout around 15 min. Allow up to 20 min for most you to complete. Intensity will be relative today, given how heavy the load is for you. We are ok for you to be a little slower and struggle through today. The workout is as much a mental challenge as it is physical.

The handstand push-ups might start feeling a little harder than normal, given the high shoulder volume this workout demands. Ideally unbroken sets would be great, but after round 1, you will most likely be breaking you up two or even three times. That is fine. If you are starting out with sets lower than 3, then you should scale the movement.

Unloaded: The HSPU will be the limiting factor here today. Make sure you find a modification that will really challenge you and make you break these up into sets of roughly 3-4. The other two movements should be done quickly and unbroken. Your total time (for 5 rounds) will be around 12-14 minutes.


Briefing video




Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.






(10 min.) Running warm-up

Run 400 m together with 1 PVC OR broomstick
At 100 m, perform
10 Overhead squats
At 200 m perform;
10 Hang power snatch
At 300 m perform;
10 Snatch grip deadlifts
At 400 m perform;
10 Sots press


(5-10 min.) Inverted Prep

2 x 30 sec. Handstand hold – 30sec rest QUICK SCALE Walk hands up wall or hold a pike push-up position
* Make the second hold a little harder (if it wasn’t challenging) – face the wall, freestanding….
2 x 15 sec. of shoulder shrugs while in handstand hold – 15 sec rest
2 x 30 sec. slow negative lowers – 30 sec. rest QUICK SCALE Use abmats or perform 30 sec of slow controlled pike push-ups



(10-20 min.) Review movements and prep for workout


Fully and Partially Loaded

Review snatch/OH squat with a PVC/broomstick and/or empty barbell/one db.

Work these positions;
Snatch balance – hang power snatch – hang squat snatch
* Do as many reps as needed to have them moving well in each position.
* Go over how to cycle a heavy load in the hang position.

Then, prep with:

2 x 3 Hang Squat Snatch + 4 OH Squat

2 x 2 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 OH Squat
+ 5 Kipping HSPU between each set – use workout modification here.

* Aim for each set to be unbroken.
* Add load each set
* The last set should be done at their working weight for FL.



Handstand Push-up – use mod here.
Get down/up (total reps)
10 Air squats between each set


* Prep as needed for the Workout

(20 min.) Perform workout

5 Rounds

Plank Get-down/ups
24 Air Squats
9 Handstand Push-up



Time to complete the workout


5 Rounds

6 SA DB Hang Squat Snatch (50/35 lb.)
12 SA OH Squat
9 Handstand Push-up



Time to complete the workout


5 Rounds

3 Hang Squat Snatch (heavy)
6 OH Squat
9 Handstand Push-up



Time to complete the workout


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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20 Apr HOME WOD – Monday 20 April 2020

A short AMRAP today to kick off the week. Monostructural combined with light lifting with low reps, calls for some high intensity! Since it is a short workout, we will spend some time in the prep piece working up to a moderately heavy load with the deadlift/hang power clean complex while working on some holds in that position. Getting some static work done with a moderate load is a good opportunity to build some strength through those movements and positions.


WOD Goal


Fully and Partially loaded: Nice and simple instructions today. Go hard for the full 10 minutes. Each round should be done unbroken; double-unders and deadlift/hang power clean and relatively fast. Top performers should aim for over 7-8 rounds, which is roughly a round every 90 seconds. Some athletes may hold a round a minute from the get go, but drop off towards the end. The majority should shoot for 6+ rounds, which is close to 2 minutes per round.

For those who struggle with stringing double-unders together, have them either count your attempts or substitute for singles. The aim is to be able to keep your DU sets short and under 15 sec, if it is taking them over 30 sec to do 20 DU, scale appropriately to match the stimulus.

Unloaded: Each round should take roughly the same as the above tracks, with maybe a little more time for those leg raises. The difference being you should be able to maintain the same speed across the workout, so have them shoot for 7+ rounds.



Briefing video


Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.







(10 min.) Warm-up with some circle running

If they have space, run around in a circle, if they don’t, have them jog on the spot.
Then, on your call, have them perform one of the movements below until you tell them to switch/go back to jogging. Switch it up and make sure you hit all the movements a few times each.
-running backwards
-shuffle sideways
bird peckers
-bear crawl
up and over the fence
-high knees
* Add some of your own.


(10 min.) Double Under/Holds Prep – for unloaded, have them perform toe-taps here.

10 unbroken double unders + 10 sec plank hold (make it harder by taking one arm/opposite leg off ground)
20 unbroken double-unders + 20 sec plank hold
30 unbroken double-unders + 30 sec plank hold
40 unbroken double-unders + 40 sec plank hold
* Scale the double-unders to not-broken or attempts. Make sure people use this time to practise
* Go straight from the double-unders to the hold, then rest as needed after each set. It isn’t for time.


(5-10 min.) Review barbell/dumbbell and unloaded movements as needed.

(15 min.) Workout Prep/Skill Work


Fully and Partially Loaded

5 Deadlifts + 30 sec. hold at top of deadlift + 3 hang power clean + 30 sec. Hold at top of clean
– Rest up to 2 min.
4-5 Rounds
* Add load each round for fully loaded up to their workout weight PLUS some for their last set.
* The aim is to perform the whole set unbroken. They can’t put the load down.
* For Partially Loaded, use 9 deadlifts + 6 cleans + holds.

* FL: Bring their load to their workout weight



Midline work

Dragon Flags + 30 sec. Hollow Hold
3-4 Sets
Do these slow and controlled.


* Prep as needed for the workout

(10 min.) Perform Workout

AMRAP 10 min.

20 Object Toe-taps
10 Kick-backs
Anchored Leg Raises



As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes.


AMRAP 10 min.

20 Double-unders
10 DB Deadlift (50/35 lb.)
5 DB Hang Power Clean



As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes.


AMRAP 10 min.

20 Double-unders
8 Deadlift (115/75 lb.)
4 Hang Power Clean



As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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18 Apr HOME WOD – Saturday 18 April 2020

WOD Goal:

The workout should be done as a sprint. The wall climbs will be a little time limiting since you can’t really be done as a sprint, but the idea would be to do everything unbroken, or as close to, and as fast as you can. To achieve this, use appropriate scales. The 1 minute rest will give you a little breather before you need to go again. You should be breathing hard. Shoot for 4-5 minutes per section, giving yourself around a 11-12 minute finish.


A quick bodyweight press/uni-squat/press combo today for everyone! This is intended to be sub 10 minute (not including the rest) and a quick way to get some blood flow after the big week you have had. Physically, but also most likely mentally!



Briefing video



Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.






(5-10 min.) Musical Movements through zoom!

Set up 4 stations of:
Air Squats
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks


– Distribute people amongst the stations (if possible)
– You dictate the time they spend on each station by turning the music on and off. When they hear you turn the music off, they must start on the next movement as quickly as possible.
– The last person to start the next movement gets a burpee penalty 😉 OR, no penalty, just fun!
– Play for about 5+ min and try to distribute the time evenly with all the movements.


(5-10 min.) Mobility

10 alt. Cossack squats
10+ Quad rocks
10 + Split stance rock to tall split kneel
10 T Spine rotation and shoulder rolls



(5-10 min.) Review movements as needed.
Perform a few reps of some progressions and the movements
* Go over scaling options here.


(10 min.) Prep for Workout

Perform (using workout modifications)
5 Push-ups
4 Pistols
1 Wall Climb
Every 90 sec for 3 Rounds

* Prep as needed for Workout

(10-12 min.) Perform Workout


15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
9 Wall Climbs


rest 1 min.


15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
9 Wall Climbs



Time to complete the workout


15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
9 Wall Climbs


rest 1 min.


15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
9 Wall Climbs



Time to complete the workout


15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
15 Push-ups
12 Pistols
9 Wall Climbs


rest 1 min.


15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
15 Pistols
12 Push-ups
9 Wall Climbs



Time to complete the workout


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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17 Apr HOME WOD – Friday 17th April 2020

WOD Goal:

The goal is to shoot for big sets as possible in those double-unders/toe-taps. If you are unable to get a lot of double-unders in a row just yet, have your focus on keeping your rest between sets short. Even if you fail the rep but it was a legitimate attempt, count it.

While you may feel exhausted during the workout from the double unders, encourage yourself to push the rows/runs and hang in there with a consistent pace for each effort. This is hard for some/most of you. Run hard when you feel good, then slow down when you are fatigued. Have yourself try to be more conservative in the first effort and you will end up rowing/running the same pace across the board.

Top performers will most likely get it done around or under 14 min. Allow yourself up to 16+/-min.


Briefing video



Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.





(10 min.) Chris Hinshaw Running Warm Up 


Run 200 m, then perform;
* Leg swings (10 right leg front to back, left, right side, left side)
* Ankle rotations (10 right & left ankle, clockwise and counter clockwise)
* Knee touches (3x 3-5sec each leg) into wall (toe 4+ inches from wall) to warm achilles.


Then, hip Mobility;
* Side high knee karaoke drill (10m on each side)
* Alternating forward walkover “the hurdle” drill: high knee angled out and lift up & over imaginary hurdle (10m)
* Walking while pulling knee to chest (while standing tall)
* Walking pulling inner ankle up to chest (“Figure 4″)


Then, Drills;
* Walking lunges with pelvic tilt (hip flexor stretch)
* Walking lunges with torso twist towards side of extended knee
* Woodpecker (stand on 1 leg, bend at waist, touch ground w/ 2 hands, while the other pivots up and back to 90deg position from the ground)
* Toe touches: Marching opposite hand to toe touches
* High knees
* Butt kicks (knee pointed to ground)
* Fast stutter steps with quick arms while driving elbows down & back
* Crouching side step shuffle (out 20 yards & back 20 yards)


(10 min.) Push-up Program Day 12


Part 1) Max Push-ups

Part 2) 3x Max Push-up Reps For Time

* If scaled the first time through, perform 1 set of Push-ups at a harder difficulty, then retest the old scaled version.



Fully Loaded

Row 500 m: 100 m easy – 150 m mod (10sec faster 500 m pace) – 250 m hard workout pace (this should be roughly 20 sec slower than their 500 m max time)

Rest, then review the Double-under if needed and after perform;
1 set of each 10-20-30 Double-unders unbroken (that is the goal) SCALE to workout modification (attempts or Single-unders)


Partially Loaded and Unloaded

Run 400 m: 100 m easy – 100 m mod – 200 m hard workout pace

Rest, then review the Double-under if needed and after perform;
1 set of each 10-20-30 Double-unders unbroken (that is the goal) SCALE to workout modification (attempts or Single-unders)

* Unloaded perform these as object to-taps.

* Prep as needed for the Workout


100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run
100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run
100 Object Toe-taps
400 m Run



Time to complete the workout


100 Double-unders
400 m Run
100 Double-unders
400 m Run
100 Double-unders
400 m Run



Time to complete the workout


100 Double-unders
500 m Row
100 Double-unders
500 m Row
100 Double-unders
500 m Row



Time to complete the workout


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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16 Apr HOME WOD – Thursday 16 April 2020

Fully and Partially Loaded:

The work to rest ratio spread is different for each section. The first 5 minutes will be about maximising your rest to get the highest load. The second 5 minutes will be about getting the 800 m done as quickly as possible and recovering for the remaining 30 sec – 1 minute you have left, and the third 5 minutes is about going all out for the full 5 minutes and getting as much work done as possible.
For the last effort, you should be able to do sets of 4-6 with your load consistently. If you are able to keep repping out 15 reps unbroken, your 15 rep max you performed earlier is not a true 15 rep max 🙂


Because the design is a little different, the first and last sets should be attacked with a consistent pacing rather than all out efforts. Your first 5 minutes will likely yield more reps than your second attempt. Both push-ups and hspu are movements that hit failure relatively quickly for most folk.
You should shoot for at least into the 12th rep set for the first round and the 10th rep set for the second. See the scaling options below to get the most out of the workout.



Briefing video



Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.




400 m run
40 Plank shoulder taps
10 Good-morning to squat
10 Down dog into cobra – keep moving
10 Half handstands (on spot) – scale to attempts or Pike HSPU
10 alt. Walking (on spot) pigeon stretch
Max handstand hold – if less than 30 sec. Do two attempts – scale to plank.
20 Air squats
400 m run – run a little faster this time.


(10 min.) Push-up Program day 11

Push-up Variants
5 Rounds

Long Push-ups
Clapping Push-ups

* Scale by adding a 1-min rest between rounds.
* Scale clapping to knees, then sub as a hand-release push-up.



(10-15 min.) Review and prep for thruster/PU-HSPU

Review movements as needed.
* Use one Db as SA to review for PL.
Front Squat – Press – Push Press – Thruster


Fully and Partially Loaded

1 x 10 reps
2 x 8 reps
* FL: Increase load each set. They shouldn’t be AT their working weight during this, but they should have a good idea of what they want to start with.



1 Push-up + 1 HSPU
3 rounds


* Prep as needed for the workout



In 5 min:
1 Push-up + 1 HSPU
2 Push-up + 2 HSPU


In 5 min:
Run 800 m


In 5 min:
1 Push-up + 1 HSPU
2 Push-up + 2 HSPU



Three scores: Reps + 800 m time + Reps


In 5 min:
Find your Max reps unbroken
DB Thruster (50/35 lb.)


In 5 min:
Run 800 m


In 5 min:
Max rep DB Thrusters



Three scores: Thruster load + 800 m time + max thrusters


In 5 min:
Find your 15 rep Max


In 5 min:
Run 800 m


In 5 min:
Max rep Thrusters with 15 rep



Three scores: Thruster load + 800 m time + max thrusters


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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15 Apr HOME WOD – Wednesday 15 April 2020

Lots of hip flexion today. Make sure to save some time at the end of the workout to open up your hips a little. Today is an opportunity to get some time under tension with the Deadlift, or if you are doing the Unloaded, with some bodyweight Core work!



Briefing video


Daily Board. Scaling options are in green.




1-2 rounds – time permitting

10 Good-mornings
10 Sit-up to Pike
10 Split leg Good-mornings
10 Sit-up to Straddle
10 Quad Pose to hip lift
10 Strict Sit-ups
10 Single Leg Deadlifts



(10-15 min) Prep for workout


Fully and Partially Loaded

If needed, review the Deadlift

Then, perform;
2-3 x 5 Deadlifts
* Add a little load each time for fully loaded.



Briefly review the movements with 20 sec on/off for each hold and up to 10 reps of the movements.

* Prep as needed for workout


(10-15 min.) Perform workout

(15 min.) Prep and Perform finisher

Have people decide on what version they will be doing, grab their dumbbell and perform:
6 movement of choice
4 Weighted Sit-ups



3-5 rounds

30 sec. Hollow Hold
30 sec. Sit-ups
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Superman Hold
30 sec. Floor Back Extensions
30 sec. Rest



Total reps for sit-ups and back extensions


2-4-6-8-10….until you can’t perform unbroken sets.
DB Deadlifts (50/35 lb.)


40 Devils Press
Every time you rest, perform 10 Weighted Sit-ups



Total reps completed in the last set (if they complete the set of 20, then 20 is their score).
* Partial sets don’t count.


Every 2 min Perform Deadlifts:
Rnd 1 – 5 reps @ 50-60%
Rnd 2 – 5 reps @ 60-70%
Rnd 3 – 3 reps @ 70-80%
Rnd 4 – 2 reps @ 80-90%
Rnd 5 – 2 reps @ 90+%


60 Pull-ups
Every time you drop, perform 10 Weighted Sit-ups


Score loads for all 5-5-3-2-2 sets.

Time to complete finisher


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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