01 Jul HOME WOD – Wednesday 1 July 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminThis month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(5-10 min.) Warm-up
Perform 20 Hands to Floor, Squat to Jumping Jacks
*Every 5 or so reps, yell a command (like “FREEZE!”) and have athletes freeze in a Supine Plank. The last person to get in a Plank has to perform 3 Burpees.
*If you don’t want to use the penalty, you can just make fun of the last person in a non-shaming way 🙂
(5-10 min.) Mobility
10 Arm Swings in each direction (forward and back, double arm, single arm, opposite directions, etc.)
10 Arm Circles in each position (start with wide circles, then slowly go to smaller and smaller circles)
1 min. Pole Stretch (each side)
5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for R leg)
5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for L leg)
5 Sit-ups to Straddle (reach for the middle)
10 Plane Crash Victims(5 facing down on floor, 5 belly up)
(20 min.) Review and Prep for Workout
As a group, with a PVC or empty barbell, review the Thruster as:
Front Squat—Press—Push Press—Thruster
Then, get straight into warming up your lift with:
*Add a little load each set. The last set of 3 should be performed at or close to the weight of the workout’s first set of 3.
(15 min.) Perform Workout
*Perform a set every 4 min. to maximize recovery.
(10 min.) Optional Finisher
5 x 25 Wall-Ball efforts
*Partner up—while one person works, the other rests. There should be roughly 1 min. to 90 sec. of rest each between efforts.
5 Rounds
12 x Jumping air squats
12 x sit-ups
5 Rounds for time
Air squats instead of jumping air squats
WOD Goal
This one is going to be burn the Legs! Try and complete all 12 reps unbroken. If 12 reps are too easy.. increase the rep range to 15 or 20 reps. The sit-ups will give the lungs and legs a small break. Make sure you choose a rep range that will challenge your midline each round! Do five rounds.. make the legs burn. If you are just getting into training.. rather do less reps or scale down to normal air squats!
10 Rounds
8-10 DB Alt. Arms Thruster
Every 90 seconds.
* Optional Finisher
Total load lifted across all 5 sets.
Thrusters: Scale load.
For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength
WOD Goal
This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.
The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.
We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.
Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.
* Optional Finisher
Total load lifted across all 5 sets.
Thrusters: Scale load.
For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength
WOD Goal
This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.
The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.
We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.
Everyone: Typically, the Push Press portion of the movement is the inhibiting factor, so you can give athletes who know your Push Press numbers a good idea of where to ballpark your weight attempts based off that figure if they don’t know your Thruster max numbers.
Competitor & Rx’d: Shoot for a loading around or slightly above 85 percent across all sets.
Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.