31 Jul HOME WOD – Friday 31 July 2020
CrossFit Plett, Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminThe 12 over-unders will take most people over 1 minute, leaving roughly the same amount of time as the other two tracks to perform the other movements. The jumping lunges will get spicy fast and you will need to break these up into chunks. Perform a set, rest. Perform a set, rest. Performing large amounts of these unbroken is really hard! For the wall squat hold, the goal is to hold for as long as possible within each round. You might want to take the last 10-20 sec before the end of the time to shake the legs out and get ready to squat again, otherwise your legs may not cooperate going straight into the over-unders!
Have you shoot for 40+ jumping lunges per round.
Briefing video for Unloaded Workout
Daily Board
Partially Loaded & Rx’d
(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)
(10 min.) In Groups of three
Person 1: Row 15 Cal
Person 2: 10 x 1 Leg up and over fence (both sides) + 2 squats in between.
Person 3: 40 Mountain Climbers
3 Rounds each – alternate through the movements
– This will get them nice and warm! If needed, scale reps down, but the goal is for it to be hard so they can get a good warm up in before stretching and all the squatting.
(5 min.) Quick Hip Mobility
1 min. each side hip flexor pole stretch or simple couch stretch
1 min. each side dynamic pigeon stretch (move body in a half circle round their legs)
(5 min.) As a group briefly review the Front Squat with an empty Barbell.
– Give them some simple cues/pointers that they can work on for being able to keep going on their unbroken sets in the workout
(10 min.) Prep for the Front Squats:
4 Front Squat, with the last squat having a 5 sec. pause in the bottom position.
EMOM 7 min.
– Add load every set or every other set.
– If they want to go over their working set weight they can, or have them really work positioning and technique with their working load for the last 2-3 sets.
* Prep for workout as needed
(20-25 min.) Perform Workout
6 rounds
12 Over-unders
With time that is remaining of
4 min. perform AMRAP
Rnd 1,3 and 5: Jumping Lunges
Rnd 2, 4 and 6: Hold Wall Squat
WOD Board
- Burpee Jump over / Burpee Step Over / Squat step over
- Lunges Sit-ups
- Tempo Squats
Score total reps of muscle-ups/db slams/jumping lunges and wall balls/clusters.
* Squat hold has no score. Every time they break, take off 3 reps from their total.
(10-15 min.) Dynamic warm-up
2-3 Rounds
5-10 reps long lunge sequence
10 x Single leg bridge ups
5-10 alt.Warrior stretch
5 Wall squats
(20 min.) Prep for the workout
(5-10 min.) Find something to step-up onto. Or use your over-under set up and step over this.
10 Step-ups
10 Lateral Step-ups – each side
5 Jump overs
5 Jump over, crawl under (full movement)
(5-10 min.) Prep
4 Lunges + 4 jumping lunges
30 sec. Wall squat
2 rounds
* Prep as needed for workout
(20 min.) Perform the workout
The 12 over-unders will take most people over 1 minute, leaving roughly the same amount of time as the other two tracks to perform the other movements. The jumping lunges will get spicy fast and you will need to break these up into chunks. Perform a set, rest. Perform a set, rest. Performing large amounts of these unbroken is really hard! For the wall squat hold, the goal is to hold for as long as possible within each round. You might want to take the last 10-20 sec before the end of the time to shake the legs out and get ready to squat again, otherwise your legs may not cooperate going straight into the over-unders!
Have you shoot for 40+ jumping lunges per round.
Max 1k Run
Rest 3 min.
Max Set DB Front Squat
Rest 3 min.
Max 400 m Run
Rest 2 min.
Max Set DB Front Squat
Rest 2 min.
Max 200 m Run
Rest 1 min.
Max Set DB Front Squat
This workout is probably one of the most repeated workouts we do at WUWO. This is not necessarily because it is the best workout out there; we just like the combination of the Row and the light Front Squats, and how the (roughly) 1:1 work-to-rest ratio makes each effort both high quality and intense. It is a lower-body-dominant workout, but the prime movers are different enough that they don’t fully compound on one another.
The word “Max” in today’s workout for the Row means as fast as possible, and for the Front Squats, it means as many reps in 1 set as possible without putting the Bar down. Athletes can rest with it on their shoulders if they would like, but the set is terminated once they put it down.
Ideally, this workout can be performed in pairs. You can stagger the start and have the next person jump on the Rower as soon as the first athlete is finished. The rest times might need to be adjusted based on how long people take to Row, but a minute here or there shouldn’t matter too much. If you are still going to be short on Rowers, you could also have some athletes start on the Row and some on the Front Squats AND stagger the start. This will change the stimulus for that first 1-k Row, so use it as a last resort, but it’s better than switching to Running. Use Running as a last resort.
The goal today is to hit each effort with maximum intensity. This means that their 1-k Row and first set of Squats will feel the best and possibly be where they see their best results since they are the freshest. Yes, the rest is long and designed to help athletes recover as much as possible, but for most people this will not be enough to fully recover. It should be for your Competitors, though, and they should shoot for fast 500-m and 250 m-efforts, as well as a similar number across the board for their Squats.
For the Front Squats, there will definitely be moments where people think they have done enough reps or that they can’t do any more, but unless they cannot stand up the Squat, they will still have a few more reps left in them. Encourage them to squeeze a few more out. The time to stop is when they end up resting longer than 10 sec. at a time, since time is also part of the result. At that point, they have probably maxed out their Squats.
Brief athletes that they should Row as fast as possible. Some people may set PRs, others might not, but perhaps don’t go into the red to set a PR, especially not in the 1-k Row. They still have a whole workout to go!
The load is set so that at least 20+ reps in the first set will be achievable for Competitors and Rx’d folks.
Fitness: We have put a set number of 20 reps in there to take the guesswork out for these athletes. Ideally, these 20 reps should be performed unbroken, but don’t enforce that rule too hard for these guys if they are new. Scale the load and reps as needed. Aim to keep the Rowing distances the same.
Total time – total reps.
* Take their total time and subtract their total reps (add all their reps from their 3 rounds of Squats)
* Include the rest time in their total time
- Row: If needed, scale the distances to 750/500 m and 250 m. Or, switch to running 1-k m/400 m/200 m.Front Squats: Scale the load as needed. 20+ reps per round is the goal.
Max 1-k Row
Rest 3 min.
Max Set Front Squats (115/75 lb.)
Rest 3 min.
Max 500-m Row
Rest 2 min.
Max Set Front Squats (115/75 lb.)
Rest 2 min.
Max 250-m Row
Rest 1 min.
Max Set Front Squats (115/75 lb.)
* Without putting Barbell down
This workout is probably one of the most repeated workouts we do at WUWO. This is not necessarily because it is the best workout out there; we just like the combination of the Row and the light Front Squats, and how the (roughly) 1:1 work-to-rest ratio makes each effort both high quality and intense. It is a lower-body-dominant workout, but the prime movers are different enough that they don’t fully compound on one another.
The word “Max” in today’s workout for the Row means as fast as possible, and for the Front Squats, it means as many reps in 1 set as possible without putting the Bar down. Athletes can rest with it on their shoulders if they would like, but the set is terminated once they put it down.
Ideally, this workout can be performed in pairs. You can stagger the start and have the next person jump on the Rower as soon as the first athlete is finished. The rest times might need to be adjusted based on how long people take to Row, but a minute here or there shouldn’t matter too much. If you are still going to be short on Rowers, you could also have some athletes start on the Row and some on the Front Squats AND stagger the start. This will change the stimulus for that first 1-k Row, so use it as a last resort, but it’s better than switching to Running. Use Running as a last resort.
The goal today is to hit each effort with maximum intensity. This means that their 1-k Row and first set of Squats will feel the best and possibly be where they see their best results since they are the freshest. Yes, the rest is long and designed to help athletes recover as much as possible, but for most people this will not be enough to fully recover. It should be for your Competitors, though, and they should shoot for fast 500-m and 250 m-efforts, as well as a similar number across the board for their Squats.
For the Front Squats, there will definitely be moments where people think they have done enough reps or that they can’t do any more, but unless they cannot stand up the Squat, they will still have a few more reps left in them. Encourage them to squeeze a few more out. The time to stop is when they end up resting longer than 10 sec. at a time, since time is also part of the result. At that point, they have probably maxed out their Squats.
Brief athletes that they should Row as fast as possible. Some people may set PRs, others might not, but perhaps don’t go into the red to set a PR, especially not in the 1-k Row. They still have a whole workout to go!
The load is set so that at least 20+ reps in the first set will be achievable for Competitors and Rx’d folks.
Total time – total reps.
* Take their total time and subtract their total reps (add all their reps from their 3 rounds of Squats)
* Include the rest time in their total time
- Row: If needed, scale the distances to 750/500 m and 250 m. Or, switch to running 1-k m/400 m/200 m.
- Front Squats: Scale the load as needed. 20+ reps per round is the goal.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.