01 Jul HOME WOD – Wednesday 1 July 2020

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day.



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Daily Board






(5-10 min.) Warm-up

Perform 20 Hands to Floor, Squat to Jumping Jacks
*Every 5 or so reps, yell a command (like “FREEZE!”) and have athletes freeze in a Supine Plank. The last person to get in a Plank has to perform 3 Burpees.
*If you don’t want to use the penalty, you can just make fun of the last person in a non-shaming way 🙂


(5-10 min.) Mobility

10 Arm Swings in each direction (forward and back, double arm, single arm, opposite directions, etc.)
10 Arm Circles in each position (start with wide circles, then slowly go to smaller and smaller circles)
1 min. Pole Stretch (each side)


5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for R leg)
5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for L leg)
5 Sit-ups to Straddle (reach for the middle)


10 Plane Crash Victims(5 facing down on floor, 5 belly up)



(20 min.) Review and Prep for Workout

As a group, with a PVC or empty barbell, review the Thruster as:
Front Squat—Press—Push Press—Thruster


Then, get straight into warming up your lift with:



*Add a little load each set. The last set of 3 should be performed at or close to the weight of the workout’s first set of 3.

(15 min.) Perform Workout

*Perform a set every 4 min. to maximize recovery.



(10 min.) Optional Finisher

5 x 25 Wall-Ball efforts

*Partner up—while one person works, the other rests. There should be roughly 1 min. to 90 sec. of rest each between efforts.

5 Rounds

12 x Jumping air squats

12 x sit-ups


5 Rounds for time



Air squats instead of jumping air squats


WOD Goal

This one is going to be burn the Legs! Try and complete all 12 reps unbroken. If 12 reps are too easy.. increase the rep range to 15 or 20 reps. The sit-ups will give the lungs and legs a small break. Make sure you choose a rep range that will challenge your midline each round! Do five rounds.. make the legs burn. If you are just getting into training.. rather do less reps or scale down to normal air squats!


10 Rounds

8-10 DB Alt. Arms Thruster
Every 90 seconds.



* Optional Finisher


Total load lifted across all 5 sets.



Thrusters: Scale load.

For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength


WOD Goal

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.

The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.

We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.


Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.


* Optional Finisher



Total load lifted across all 5 sets.



Thrusters: Scale load.

For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength


WOD Goal

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.

The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.

We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.


Everyone: Typically, the Push Press portion of the movement is the inhibiting factor, so you can give athletes who know your Push Press numbers a good idea of where to ballpark your weight attempts based off that figure if they don’t know your Thruster max numbers.

Competitor & Rx’d: Shoot for a loading around or slightly above 85 percent across all sets.

Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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30 Jun HOME WOD – Tuesday 30 June 2020

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable.



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(5 min.) Quick Warm-up

5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Bootstrap squat stretches
5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Air squats
5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Jumping air squats


(15-20 min.) Project Inversion #13


3 x Max Handstand Hold
* Choose a position that they can maintain for longer than 30 sec. for each hold
* Scale as needed as per the first week – compare results.


For fun BONUS – Walking on Hands

10 Walk into Wall — Kick up 5-10 m away from wall and Handstand Walk into Wall
* Scale DOWN to 10 Slow Perfect Wall Climbs, or as Round the World Walks (Box or Pike)
20 Hand Plate Walks — Use 45 lb Plates on either side and walk right hand up, then across to the other side, left hand is up on the other plate
* Scale UP to Handstand Walking with plates as obstacles
* Scale DOWN to Box or Pike Plate Walks



(10-15 min.) Prep for the Front Squats


As a group, with a db or empty barbell, review the front squat as needed.

Front squat – pause front squat – flag-pole stretch – sots press


Then, perform:

20 Front squats
15 Front squats
10 Front squats
* Between each set, run 100-m at a moderate pace.
* Add load each round to work up to the workout load.


* Prep as needed for the workout.
* UL folk, work the air squat instead.


(10-15 min.) Perform the workout
* With time remaining, perform a cool down.


For Time

100 Air Squats
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
Air squats: Reduce the reps as needed.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.


This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.

For Time

70 Db Front Squats
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
DB Front squats: First, scale to one dumbbell. Then, scale the reps as needed.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.

This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.


For Time

35 Front Squats (135/95 lb.)
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
Front squats: Scale the load as needed. An unbroken set of 10+ while fresh is the goal.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.

This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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29 Jun HOME WOD – Monday 29 June 2020

Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes.



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(10-15 min.) Warm-up

100-m run
10 Inchworms + push-up
10-20 Bird Peckers
10 Alt. Cossack Squat


200-m run
10 Plank shoulder taps
10 Alt. Air squat to up and over the fence


400-m run
10 Pike push-ups
10-20 Split leg good-mornings


(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #13

Round the Worlds

2 min. AMRAP Box Round the Worlds
Rest 1 min.
2 rounds

* Scale to Pike Round the Worlds
* Perform one set until failure one direction, then one set in the other and so on.




(10 min.) Pressing Prep

Review the PP and hold as needed.

Then, with a light set of dumbbells (one down from their workout weight) perform;
5 Press + 5 sec. hold at the top of each press
5 Push press
* Repeat with their workout weight


* For UL, have them perform pike push-ups and holds instead of the dumbbell work.


* Prep as needed for workout

(15-20 min.) Perform the workout


10 rounds

100-m Run
10 Pike Push-up
10 Pike Hold


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.

Pike push-up: Reduce the angle of your body. Then, scale to a push-up and it’s various scalings.
Pike hold: Scale as needed to a plank hold.


WOD Goal

The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.


10 rounds

100-m Run
10 DB Push Press
10 sec. DB Hold overhead


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.
Push press: Scale as needed. You should be able to perform 10 reps unbroken + the hold easily when fresh.
DB Hold: Ideally use the same load as the push press, but if you are so limited, you can try using a double hold with both hands on one dumbbell, or a one arm hold using a single dumbbell.


WOD Goal


The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.

10 rounds

100-m Run
10 DB Push Press (45/25 lb.)
10 sec. DB Hold overhead


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.
Push press: Scale as needed. You should be able to perform 10 reps unbroken + the hold easily when fresh.
DB Hold: Ideally use the same load as the push press, but if you are so limited, you can try using a double hold with both hands on one dumbbell, or a one arm hold using a single dumbbell.


WOD Goal


The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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27 Jun HOME WOD – Saturday 27 June 2020

Today’s workout is a chipper that starts out with a heavy posterior leg emphasis and ends with a challenging upper body push pull.



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(10 min.) Warm-up

Perform the cone Cone speed drill (if at home, perform it alone and pretend you have someone else there. Or, use a kid, or a dog!)


(5 min.) Quick Mobility

30 sec. Cat camel twerk
30 sec. Plane crash victim
30 sec. Inch worm to zombie pull
1-2 rounds – time permitting.




(10 min.) Upper body gymnastics prep

Perform as a group:
3-5 x 5 sec push-ups (5 sec descent, 5 sec pause at bottom, press up)
2-3 broad jumps
5 push-ups
2-3 broad jumps (further)
3-5 deficit push-ups


*Keep going on push ups until you cannot perform 3 in a row
*Keep going on jumps until you find your max distance, take around 50% of that for workout distance (eyeball it) – if you want to prescribe a more uniform distance, that is fine too.


Fully and Partially Loaded

(10 min.) Prep for workout

6 Deadlifts
6 alt DB snatches (3 each)
2-3 rounds


*Add weight as you go for FL.
*Set up push-up station



6 3-point floor touches
6 alt. Supine Leg lifts
2-3 rounds


* Prep as needed for the workout


(15 min.) Perform workout


60 3-pos floor Touches
40 Supine Leg Lifts
30 Deficit push-ups
20 Broad Jumps


Time to complete the workout



Supine leg lifts: Omit being in a supine plank and perform hip raises with or without the leg lift instead.
Deadlifts: Scale the load as needed. Sets of 15+ while fresh should be the goal.
Broad jump: aiming to target around 50% of maximum jump
Push-ups: Scale up or down in plate height to achieve rep ranges of 3-5 at a time, maximum being 7. Scale further to a regular push-up and scales associated with that.
Db snatches: Scale the load as needed.


WOD Goal

Deficit push-ups should be challenging and performed in sets of 5-7 during the workout. If you can do close to 10, make the push up deficit larger. Use books to create a deficit push-up.
Better times in this workout will be around the 8-10 minute range, ranging up towards 12 based on complexity of gymnastic upper body movement implemented.


60 DB Deadlifts
40 DB. Alt. Power Snatch (50/35 lb.)
30 Deficit push-ups
20 Broad Jumps


Time to complete the workout



Scale the reps for the dumbbell movements if your dumbbell is on the heavier side.
Deadlifts: Scale the load as needed. Sets of 15+ while fresh should be the goal.
Broad jump: aiming to target around 50% of maximum jump
Push-ups: Scale up or down in plate height to achieve rep ranges of 3-5 at a time, maximum being 7. Scale further to a regular push-up and scales associated with that.
Db snatches: Scale the load as needed.


WOD Goal

For the deadlifts, athletes will be able to complete the work in 2-3 sets. Even if you can go unbroken for all 50, perform one rest and then use that energy for the DB snatches to go unbroken. Snatches should be a weight you can move with and perform with maybe 1-2 rests during the set. This should be a light to moderate weight. For the broad jumps, we will establish a maximum distance in the warm up, so aim to exceed 50% of your best jump in each broad jump of the workout (20 total reps).

You can measure this off of the stall mats or with cones on the floor. Deficit push-ups should be challenging and performed in sets of 5-7 during the workout. If you can do close to 10, make the push up deficit larger.
Better times in this workout will be around the 8-10 minute range, ranging up towards 12 based on complexity of gymnastic upper body movement implemented.


The difference is the deadlift load. We know that 10 more reps will not match the difference in stimulus/load to that of the FL track, but we don’t want to rack up volume for volume’s sake.

50 Deadlifts (185/135 lb.)
40 DB. Alt. Power Snatch (50/35 lb.)
30 Deficit push-ups
20 Broad Jumps


Time to complete the workout



Deadlifts: Scale the load as needed. Sets of 15+ while fresh should be the goal.
Broad jump: aiming to target around 50% of maximum jump
Push-ups: Scale up or down in plate height to achieve rep ranges of 3-5 at a time, maximum being 7. Scale further to a regular push-up and scales associated with that.
Db snatches: Scale the load as needed.


WOD Goal

For the deadlifts, athletes will be able to complete the work in 2-3 sets. Even if you can go unbroken for all 50, perform one rest and then use that energy for the DB snatches to go unbroken. Snatches should be a weight you can move with and perform with maybe 1-2 rests during the set. This should be a light to moderate weight. For the broad jumps, we will establish a maximum distance in the warm up, so aim to exceed 50% of your best jump in each broad jump of the workout (20 total reps).

You can measure this off of the stall mats or with cones on the floor. Deficit push-ups should be challenging and performed in sets of 5-7 during the workout. If you can do close to 10, make the push up deficit larger.
Better times in this workout will be around the 8-10 minute range, ranging up towards 12 based on complexity of gymnastic upper body movement implemented.

Today’s workout is a chipper that starts out with a heavy posterior leg emphasis and ends with a challenging upper body push pull. Those who completed yesterday’s workout may feel your back sides lit from yesterday’s devils presses, so we will feature a bit more back and hamstring work in today’s warm up.
The first two movements of this workout, the DB deadlift and DB snatch will light up your athletes low back and hamstrings. This is intended on fatiguing them for the push-ups and broad jumps that are coming up next.
Deficit push ups are performed with each hand on a plate, elevating your body, but increasing your range of motion in the push up so that your chest is lower than your hands.
We encourage you to perform the broad jumps for quality rather than quantity.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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26 Jun HOME WOD – Friday 26 June 2020

After a bit of leg relief yesterday (as we hit the shoulders and forearms heavily), today will be on a leg stamina and endurance emphasis.



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(5 min.) Warm-up

500 m Row – ascending easy to moderate pace – sub for 100 single-unders
10 DB Deadlifts – or good-mornings
10 DB Russian Swings – or plank ankle taps
10 Single DB Press – or pike push-ups


(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #12

Handstand Stability

10 Handstand Shoulder Shifts
10 Handstand Floaters
3 Rounds

* Scale UP to 10 Free-standing Kick-ups
* Scale DOWN to Box Handstand Shifts, or Pike Handstand Shifts



(10 min.) Prep for the workout


10/7 cal row – use workout pace for both rounds (20-30 DU- toe-taps)
5 Devils press – use workout load for the second round. (10 mountain climbers+5 kick-sits)
2 rounds


* Prep as needed for the workout

(18 min.) Perform the workout



Spend 2-3 min. Opening up back/shoulders in a back bridge position.


1-2-3-2-1 minutes

10 Mountain Climbers + 10 Kick-sits


Total number reps



Toe-taps: If you are unable to jump, you can perform a low object step-up, or fast lateral step overs.
Mountain climbers: Reduce the ROM as needed.
Kick-sit: Modify to walking into each position, rather than jumping. Or, scale further to a 20 sec. Supine plank instead.


WOD Goal

Use any solid object for the toe-taps. Right + left leg = 1 rep. For the mountain climbers + kick-sits, you perform 10 MC + 10 kick sits on a continuous cycle for each given time parameter. Each set = 10 reps.


1-2-3-2-1 minutes

Devils Press


Total number reps



Double-unders: Use this method if you can perform at least 5 + reps unbroken consistently. Otherwise, it will only be frustrating for them. Scale to plate fast feet, or even something slightly higher to jump on (45 lb plate.)


WOD Goal

Today’s workout is a pyramid of time, where you start out with a minute at each movement, then with no rest, go into a straight 2 minutes of each movement, repeating for 3 minutes, and then back down to 2 minutes, with the final round of 1 minute. It is a total of 9 minutes at each movement, 18 minutes total.

After a bit of leg relief yesterday (as we hit the shoulders and forearms heavily), today will be on a leg stamina and endurance emphasis. The first movement is monostructural and is designed to be a steady grind. The most challenging station mentally will be the devil’s press, as you fatigue, each rep will become a challenge.

This combination of rowing/du and the devils press will blast both your legs and arms, so make sure that you are not going into the red zone on the row/du before hitting the devils press, however, watch out for sandbagging on the rower/du as well! We want them to feel as though your DP are challenged by the work you did prior and not like an “active recovery” on the rower/du.

We are featuring Project Inversion Session #12 today. Use it as a way to get some blood flowing through the shoulders and prep for today. If you are feeling a little beaten up, don’t challenge the movements too much for the inversion work. Scale down to match your level of tolerance.
* The devils press is done WITH a burpee.

You should aim to be consistent across the 18 minutes. The challenge here is to not go out too hot in the first minute. A good goal would be to maintain 20/12 cal. per minute on the rower, with a steady devils press pace. Some will be able to perform a big set of DP at the get to and then manageable sets thereafter (10+ per minute), or others will like to start out by performing sets of 8-12 from the get go, managing your work to rest ratio across the board.

For the PL folk, the double-unders will elicit a slightly different stimulus to the row. It will be a little harder to manage your breathing from the du into the DP, unless you pace yourself well on those double-unders, which might mean, intentionally taking breaks every 50 reps or so. A good average would be around 50 reps per minute, a little higher for others and a little lower for those who are just getting the hang of the movement.

1-2-3-2-1 minutes

Row for Cals.
Devils Press (40/25 lb.)


Total number reps



Row: As mentioned above, modify to double-under, or to the bike if possible.
Devils press: Either scale the load down, you should be able to work consistently without your form breaking down for at least 5+ reps in a row. Or, perform with one dumbbell. Choose whether you hold the DB in one hand or both hands. It doesn’t matter, just be consistent across the day.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout is a pyramid of time, where you start out with a minute at each movement, then with no rest, go into a straight 2 minutes of each movement, repeating for 3 minutes, and then back down to 2 minutes, with the final round of 1 minute. It is a total of 9 minutes at each movement, 18 minutes total.

After a bit of leg relief yesterday (as we hit the shoulders and forearms heavily), today will be on a leg stamina and endurance emphasis. The first movement is monostructural and is designed to be a steady grind. The most challenging station mentally will be the devil’s press, as you fatigue, each rep will become a challenge.

This combination of rowing/du and the devils press will blast both your legs and arms, so make sure that you are not going into the red zone on the row/du before hitting the devils press, however, watch out for sandbagging on the rower/du as well! We want them to feel as though your DP are challenged by the work you did prior and not like an “active recovery” on the rower/du.

We are featuring Project Inversion Session #12 today. Use it as a way to get some blood flowing through the shoulders and prep for today. If you are feeling a little beaten up, don’t challenge the movements too much for the inversion work. Scale down to match your level of tolerance.
* The devils press is done WITH a burpee.

You should aim to be consistent across the 18 minutes. The challenge here is to not go out too hot in the first minute. A good goal would be to maintain 20/12 cal. per minute on the rower, with a steady devils press pace. Some will be able to perform a big set of DP at the get to and then manageable sets thereafter (10+ per minute), or others will like to start out by performing sets of 8-12 from the get go, managing your work to rest ratio across the board.

For the PL folk, the double-unders will elicit a slightly different stimulus to the row. It will be a little harder to manage your breathing from the du into the DP, unless you pace yourself well on those double-unders, which might mean, intentionally taking breaks every 50 reps or so. A good average would be around 50 reps per minute, a little higher for others and a little lower for those who are just getting the hang of the movement.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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25 Jun HOME WOD – Thursday 25 June 2020

Today’s workout features a combination of a classic gymnastic benchmark, Cindy, with a Strongman exercise with a heavy emphasis. This combination of movements will be challenging, as the rounds of Cindy should be fast and metabolic, increasing heart rate and breathing and fatiguing the shoulders. The heavy farmer’s carries will make it challenging to breathe as the KBs or DBs will tax your shoulders and cores.



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(5 min.) Quick Warm-up – use dumbbell/object


Have them perform:

8 Air squats
4 Push-up, hop over db
Split stance rock to tall split stance kneel
4 Burpee, hop over db
1-2 rounds


(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #11


45 seconds Handstand hold
15 seconds Rest
5 Rounds
* Scale UP to Wall Facing or Free-Standing
* Scale DOWN to Wall Walk up or Plank Hold





(10 min.) In pairs (or single, alternate movements) – Hold stretch for up to 1 min.

One person performs # reps of a movement, other performs stretch:
10 Ring rows/db bent over rows — flag pole stretch
20 Plank shoulder taps — wall slides
10 Air squats — bootstrap stretch (grab ankles, push hips into the air)


10 kip swings on pull up bar/renegade row — flexi swimmer stretch
5 tempo push-ups (3 second descent down, hand release at bottom, press out) — wall pec stretch
10 cossack squats — groiner stretch


(5 min.) Prep workout movements:

50 m Farmer’s carry
Mini round of Cindy (2-4-6) – use workout mods here.
3 rounds


*Add weight onto farmer’s each round until at workout weight


(25 min.) Perform workout



Rounds of
10 Push-ups
15 Air-Squats


200-m Object Carry between each round.


Time to complete the workout



Push-ups: Scale to hands on an elevated surface, or to kneeling push-ups. Try something different today.

Air squats: Scale reps.

* Scale reps as needed to 4-8-12.

V-ups: Scale to a V-up with knee tuck


WOD Goal

Today’s workout features a combination of a classic gymnastic benchmark, Cindy, with a Strongman exercise with a heavy emphasis. This combination of movements will be challenging, as the rounds of Cindy should be fast and metabolic, increasing heart rate and breathing and fatiguing the shoulders. The heavy farmer’s carries will make it challenging to breathe as the KBs or DBs will tax your shoulders and cores.

You will perform 5 rounds of Cindy to start out. One round of Cindy is 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Then you perform a 200 m farmer’s carry. Upon return, you perform 4 rounds of cindy and another 200-m farmer’s carry. Repeating with 3, 2, and 1, ending in one final farmer’s carry. This is a total of 15 rounds of Cindy and 1k of farmer’s walking.

We are recommending the load be 32/24 kg (Kb) for your rx’d folk. Scale down from there. Use dumbbells if needed.

Use Cindy as a way to break up the farmer’s carries, as these will be the most challenging portion of the workout for most. These carries are much more mental than physical – encourage your athletes to hang on longer than you think you can!

The following resource talks about the benefits and the areas worked of the farmer’s carry. Use it to provide some insight to your athletes as you perform your mobility today, but also as background for your cues as you walk! Shoulders back, abs braced, and fast feet to reduce time under tension!


Rounds of
6 Alt. Renegade Rows
10 Push-ups
15 Air-Squats


200-m Farmers Carry between each round.


Time to complete the workout



Push-ups: Scale to hands on an elevated surface, or to kneeling push-ups. Try something different today.

Air squats: Scale reps.

* Scale reps as needed to 4-8-12.

Renegade rows: Reduce reps as needed.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout features a combination of a classic gymnastic benchmark, Cindy, with a Strongman exercise with a heavy emphasis. This combination of movements will be challenging, as the rounds of Cindy should be fast and metabolic, increasing heart rate and breathing and fatiguing the shoulders. The heavy farmer’s carries will make it challenging to breathe as the KBs or DBs will tax your shoulders and cores.

You will perform 5 rounds of Cindy to start out. One round of Cindy is 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Then you perform a 200 m farmer’s carry. Upon return, you perform 4 rounds of cindy and another 200-m farmer’s carry. Repeating with 3, 2, and 1, ending in one final farmer’s carry. This is a total of 15 rounds of Cindy and 1k of farmer’s walking.

We are recommending the load be 32/24 kg (Kb) for your rx’d folk. Scale down from there. Use dumbbells if needed.

Use Cindy as a way to break up the farmer’s carries, as these will be the most challenging portion of the workout for most. These carries are much more mental than physical – encourage your athletes to hang on longer than you think you can!

The following resource talks about the benefits and the areas worked of the farmer’s carry. Use it to provide some insight to your athletes as you perform your mobility today, but also as background for your cues as you walk! Shoulders back, abs braced, and fast feet to reduce time under tension!


Rounds of Cindy
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats


200-m Farmers Carry between each round. (heavy)


Time to complete the workout



Push-ups: Scale to hands on an elevated surface, or to kneeling push-ups. Try something different today.

Air squats: Scale reps.

* Scale reps as needed to 4-8-12.

Pull-ups: Find a version that is accessible and allows them to perform 5 unbroken each time. Either jumping pull-ups, or ring rows.

Farmers carry: Keep the load as heavy as possible. Goal is to perform each 200 m with no more than 2-3 breaks.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout features a combination of a classic gymnastic benchmark, Cindy, with a Strongman exercise with a heavy emphasis. This combination of movements will be challenging, as the rounds of Cindy should be fast and metabolic, increasing heart rate and breathing and fatiguing the shoulders. The heavy farmer’s carries will make it challenging to breathe as the KBs or DBs will tax your shoulders and cores.

You will perform 5 rounds of Cindy to start out. One round of Cindy is 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Then you perform a 200 m farmer’s carry. Upon return, you perform 4 rounds of cindy and another 200-m farmer’s carry. Repeating with 3, 2, and 1, ending in one final farmer’s carry. This is a total of 15 rounds of Cindy and 1k of farmer’s walking.

We are recommending the load be 32/24 kg (Kb) for your rx’d folk. Scale down from there. Use dumbbells if needed.

Use Cindy as a way to break up the farmer’s carries, as these will be the most challenging portion of the workout for most. These carries are much more mental than physical – encourage your athletes to hang on longer than you think you can!

The following resource talks about the benefits and the areas worked of the farmer’s carry. Use it to provide some insight to your athletes as you perform your mobility today, but also as background for your cues as you walk! Shoulders back, abs braced, and fast feet to reduce time under tension!

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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24 Jun HOME WOD – Wednesday 24 June 2020

The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform their sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, they will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.

They should spend the time they are performing these movements to try catch their breath, so they can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. They won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if they resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.



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(10 min.) Warm-up – if you can’t partner up, alternate movements.


EMOM 10 Alternating
Partner 1: 45 sec. Running Drill
Partner 2: 45 sec. Slam Ball or DB Slam Movement
*5 rounds each


Running/slam ball movements per round:
Round 1 – shuttle runs & slam ball deadlifts
Round 2 – backwards running & slam ball goblet squats
Round 3 – side shuffle & slam ball presses
Round 4 – high knees & slam balls
Round 5 – butt kickers & slam balls


(5 min.) Quick Mobility

3 reps each side – Supine bridge w. reach (10 sec hold at each side)
Down dog to cobra
6 reps – lying wall hands to toes
2 rounds



(10-15 min.) GHD Skill Work

Everyone together:
30 sec. Superman hold
30 sec. Deadbugs


Together or two groups:
10 reps Back extension OR Jefferson curl (if no GHDs)
10-20 reps Heel touches (use crack in the floor)


10 reps hip extension OR plate good mornings (if no GHDs)
10 reps GHD sit ups (limited or full ROM)


(5-10 min.) Prep for the workout

10 reps of each movement
Mb sit-up to throw/Db sit-up + press/Sit-up
Kb swing/DB swing/good-mornings


* Prep as needed for the workout.

(18 min.) Perform workout


2 rounds

200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP Sit-ups
rest 1 min.


2 rounds

400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Good-mornings
rest 1 min.


Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.



Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.

Sit-up: Modify to a seated position feet/knee raise off the ground.

Good-mornings: adjust ROM to accommodate mobility limitations.


WOD Goal

The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.

You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.


Add load to the good-mornings if possible.

2 rounds

200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP 10 Sit-up + 5 DB Seated Press
rest 1 min.


2 rounds

400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Db Swings
rest 1 min.


Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.



Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.

Sit-up + DB Seated Press: Omit the press portion.

DB Swing: Reduce to a russian swing.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout features some running to loosen the legs up and two different anterior chain (front of the body) hip flexion (closing) movements. Hips are the predominant driver in the sit-up and swings, but abdominals will be firing too, as you should be bracing!

The first couplet is 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest for three rounds, where athletes run 200 m and then perform sit-ups with the remaining time in 2 minutes, a total of 8 minutes for this section.

After the 1 minute rest of the first couplet, the second couplets work time is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest for 2 rounds, a total of 8 minutes of work but 10 total minutes. Athletes will run a 400 m and then return and perform AMRAP swings for the remainder of the window of time.


The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.

You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.

For the PL sit-up + press, perform 10 sit-ups + 5 seated DB press (both hands on db). Count each rep as 1 rep. If you are able to sit-up with your db, then you can perform it as a DB sit-up + seated press. We suspect this might be too heavy for most people however.


2 rounds

200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP Mb Sit-up + Throw to wall
rest 1 min.


2 rounds

400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Kb Swings
rest 1 min.


Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.



Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.

Mb sit-up to throw: Reduce the mb load, then omit the throw if needed.

Kb swing: Reduce the load, then perform russian swings if needed.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout features some running to loosen the legs up and two different anterior chain (front of the body) hip flexion (closing) movements. Hips are the predominant driver in the sit-up and swings, but abdominals will be firing too, as you should be bracing!

The first couplet is 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest for three rounds, where athletes run 200 m and then perform sit-ups with the remaining time in 2 minutes, a total of 8 minutes for this section.

After the 1 minute rest of the first couplet, the second couplets work time is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest for 2 rounds, a total of 8 minutes of work but 10 total minutes. Athletes will run a 400 m and then return and perform AMRAP swings for the remainder of the window of time.


The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.

You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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23 Jun HOME WOD – Tuesday 23 June 2020

We are mixing it up today, still challenging you through a squat and overhead, just in a way that you will actually see some potential strength gains.



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Daily Board





(10 min.) Get Moving – Sub for 200 m run. With no partner, alternate movements, perform 20 reps of each movement after the runs.

Either on the rower, or assault bike – in partners perform in a ‘I go, you go’ fashion;

Partner 1: Row/bike 15 cals
Partner 2: Every time they perform a calorie, they perform 1 air squat

Partner 1: Row/bike 15 cals
Partner 2: Every time they perform a calorie, they perform 4 mountain climbers (2 each side)

1-2 rounds

* Get them moving fast relatively quickly so they can get blood flowing through their legs.


(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #10

Handstand Stability


10 Shoulder shrugs in handstand hold
20 Alt. Hand Releases in Handstand
3 Rounds

* Scale UP to Free-Standing
* Sale DOWN to Plate Shoulder Shrugs + Plank Shoulder Taps (20 Reps)




(10-15 min.) Review OH squat and prep for workout

With a PVC/stick, as a group, perform 10 or so reps of each movement;
Shoulder rolls
Behind the neck press
OH squats
Sots press
OH squats with supine grip
Jefferson curl


Then, with an empty barbell/dumbbell, perform 5 or so reps of each;
Behind the neck press
OH squats
Sots press
OH squats
Behind the neck push press/push jerk


* Unloaded: keep performing with a stick.


Fully Loaded

Then, prep for their lifting sets with;
8 reps
7 reps
6 reps
2 x 5 reps
* Add load each set. Their second set of 5 should be just under their first set of 5 load.
* Some of your stronger athletes might need to perform a few more sets before they are close to their starting weight.


Partially Loaded

5 Front squats + 5 overhead squats – right arm
5 Front squats + 5 overhead squats – left arm
2 sets.




4 Negative strict lowers – scale to pike position
4 Kipping hspu – scale to easier pike position
4 Strict hspu – scale to workout modification


4 Rolling pistols – use both feet for support if needed
4 Toe-to-heel pistols (see videos above)
4 Pistols using their chosen modification


* Prep as needed.


(25 min.) Perform workout
* Perform a set every 4 min.



Perform 1-2 minutes of shoulder band stretches (if possible) + 1-2 minutes banded hip distraction.

30 sec. Strict HSPU
30 sec. Handstand Hold
30 sec. Rest


30 sec. Right side Pistols
30 sec. rest
30 sec. Left Pistols
30 sec rest


Reps completed



Strict hspu: Scale to a pike hspu

Handstand hold: Scale to walking feet up wall, or to a plank hold.

Pistols: Use an appropriate scale from the pistol and variations or pistol progressions videos. Or, perform an elevated back lunge. Whatever you choose, make it challenging.


WOD Goal

We are mixing it up today, still challenging you through a squat and overhead, just in a way that you will actually see some potential strength gains.

The work:rest ratio will allow for good recovery for the first few rounds, but by the 5th round, you will most likely be struggling to perform the same reps as which you started with. That is ok. If you would prefer you broke up each set with 1 minute rest in between, do that. Only do that if you think you won’t be able to perform 3-5 reps each 30 seconds.

To go to failure within each 30 sec. Effort. If you don’t think you can consistently perform between 3-5 reps every 30 sec, scale the movement. Choose 3-5 sets depending on difficulty and fatigue.


5 Sets: Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
30 sec. Right
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Left
30 sec. Rest


Score all 6 sets of Overhead Squats



Overhead squats: If for some reason you are unable to perform overhead squats, you can modify to a single leg squat or bulgarian squat OR if mobility is the reason you can’t perform the movement, stick to light loads and do larger sets, even as frustrating as this may feel for you.


WOD Goal

If you are able to get into an overhead squat position with your dumbbell, then this workout will be a great challenge for you. For those who are limited by mobility and/or strength, modify to a front squat instead. OR, to help strengthen that overhead position, rest with the dumbbell overhead. So, you will squat for 30 sec., ‘rest’ overhead for 30 sec.

* If you want to take a longer rest between sets, you can.


These athletes will also be going close to failure, every 30 sec. The work:rest ratio will allow for good recovery for the first few rounds, but by the 5th round, you will most likely be struggling to perform the same reps as which you started with. That is ok. If you would prefer you broke up each set with 1 minute rest in between, do that. Only do that if you think you won’t be able to perform 3-5 reps each 30 seconds.

Overhead Squat


Score all 6 sets of Overhead Squats



Overhead squats: If for some reason you are unable to perform overhead squats, you can modify to a single leg squat or bulgarian squat OR if mobility is the reason you can’t perform the movement, stick to light loads and do larger sets, even as frustrating as this may feel for you.


WOD Goal

Today, we want you to go close to failure on each set. That means you will need to add load after each set. Have you working as close to your max loads as possible. Some people won’t know what these are, that is ok, go on feel instead. We would rather people fail a set than under lift. The load increments will be different for everyone, and for some people, even a few kgs per set will be enough to challenge you. The last 3 sets of 1 might all be done at the same load. Again, this will depend on the athlete, but the goal is still for each one of these lifts to feel like a max.

For some people, jerking the load up can be the hardest part. Go through this briefly in the prep part and make sure you are aggressive when you perform it every time, even at the light loads. Because, as it gets heavier, if people barely make the jerk, sometimes, you can see in your face and body language that you just lost confidence about whether you can make the lift or not.


Single Modality, strength day today. For those who attended yesterday, your legs may feel a little lit up from the 150 squats.. That is ok, ensure you are thoroughly prepared before hitting your first set.

We haven’t included a finisher today. We want you to Ideally, spend the majority of the time on lifting, and 5-10 minutes at the end for a little body maintenance if needed.

We have also included Project Inversion today as a way to prep the overhead for the squats.

Perform a set every 4 min. This will give you enough time to recover between sets and keep you all lifting at the same time.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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22 Jun HOME WOD – Monday 22 June 2020

For today, make the only goal to go as hard as you can. 150 wall ball / Air Squats or Burpees seems like a lot, which might make you want to pace it. But, today is not the day to pace it. We want you to do as big a set as possible at the start, and to push for the whole workout. This may not seem like a practical way to approach this workout, and it isn’t the only way, but it is what we are encouraging you all to try today.



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Daily Board





(10-15 min.) Dynamic Warm-up

Start with 10 reps short ninja flow


Then perform:
6 reps long lunge sequence
6 alt. Warrior stretch
Wall squats
2-3 Rounds


(10 min.) More shoulder prep

Lying internal/external shoulder rotations – 30 sec. Each side.
1 min. Split stance T-spine rotation
2-3 Rounds



(10 min.) Prep for the workout

With their medball/db perform:
10 Front Squats (air squats)
10 Thrusters (burpees)
10 Front squats + 1 wall ball (10 air squats + burpee)
9 Front squats + 2 wall ball
8 Front squats + 3 wall ball and so on……..


* Then, rest and prep as needed before the workout

(10 min.) Perform the workout



Lie with legs up a wall for 2-3 minutes. Arms extended overhead.

Then, perform:
1 min. Restorative down dog to cobra
1 min. Quad stretch with hip lifts
1 min. Alt. Under the body thoracic stretch

For time

100 Air Squat to Burpee


100 Jumping Air Squats


150 Air Squats


Time taken to complete the workout



Squat to burpee: Reduce the reps to 80 if needed.


WOD Goal

For today, make the only goal to go as hard as you can. 150 wall ball / Air Squats or Burpees seems like a lot, which might make you want to pace it. But, today is not the day to pace it. We want you to do as big a set as possible at the start, and to push for the whole workout. This may not seem like a practical way to approach this workout, and it isn’t the only way, but it is what we are encouraging you all to try today.

Some athletes may be able to go unbroken. That is rare, but it happens. Those athletes can finish it sub 5 minutes. For the majority of you, allowing up to 10 minutes to complete is a good goal.


For time

150 Single DB Thruster


Time taken to complete the workout



DB thruster: Reduce the reps to 100, or 80.


WOD Goal

For today, make the only goal to go as hard as you can. 150 wall ball seems like a lot, which makes people want to pace it. But, today is not the day to pace it. We want them to do as big a set as possible at the start, and to push for the whole workout. This may not seem like a practical way to approach this workout, and it isn’t the only way, but it is what we are encouraging you all to try today.

Some athletes may be able to go unbroken. That is rare, but it happens. Those athletes can finish it sub 5 minutes. For the majority of your athletes, allowing up to 10 minutes to complete is a good goal.


For most athletes the loading is a little heavier than a med ball. We have kept the reps at 150 since you don’t ‘throw’ the dumbbell. Scale as you see fit.


150 Wall balls



Time taken to complete the workout



Wall balls: First, scale the load and target height. Then, reduce the reps to 100, or 80.


WOD Goal

Today we are doing one of the original lady classics. Karen. A simple squat/press combo. 150 wall ball. Done properly, which is as fast as you can, it will elicit a very similar response to that of Fran. The biggest challenge is getting to this level of intensity. Because accuracy is involved, oftentimes people stick to a more conservative route so you aren’t in any danger of failing reps. This is understandable. For today, let’s open the throttle and see what happens!


For today, make the only goal to go as hard as you can. 150 wall ball seems like a lot, which makes people want to pace it. But, today is not the day to pace it. We want them to do as big a set as possible at the start, and to push for the whole workout. This may not seem like a practical way to approach this workout, and it isn’t the only way, but it is what we are encouraging you all to try today.

Some athletes may be able to go unbroken. That is rare, but it happens. Those athletes can finish it sub 5 minutes. For the majority of your athletes, allowing up to 10 minutes to complete is a good goal.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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20 Jun HOME WOD – Saturday 21 June 2020

Single unders and step ups will be a slow grind, but consistency will be key. Complete the handstand walks in as few sets as possible, with the overall goal being to complete each round of handstand walking in increments of 25 ft. Proficient athletes will be able to complete this workout in around 12-15 mins. For the majority, we will allow 20 minutes.



Briefing video


Daily Board





(10-15 min.) Warm-up

30 Single-unders
20 Plank shoulder taps
30 Single-unders- jump laterally/toe-taps
3 Wall Climbs (scale height up wall)
30 Single-unders – jump forward & back/toe-taps
1 Handstand Kick Up + 20 sec hold (scale to wall climb + wall facing hold)
30 Single-unders – backwards/toe-taps
1 Handstand Kick Up + 10 Cherry Pickers (scale to wall facing cherry pickers)
30 Single Leg Jumps – 15 right, 15 left
1 min. Freestanding Kick Ups (scale to handstand kick up against wall or attempts)


(10-15 min.) Project Inversion Session #9

Walking on Hands

10 Walk into Wall — Kick up 5-10 m away from wall and Handstand Walk into Wall
* Scale DOWN to 10 Slow Perfect Wall Climbs, or as Round the World Walks (Box or Pike)
20 Hand Plate Walks — Use 45 lb Plates on either side and walk right hand up, then across to the other side, left hand is up on the other plate
* Scale UP to Handstand Walking with plates as obstacles
* Scale DOWN to Box or Pike Plate Walks



* Prep as needed for the workout

(20 min.) Perform workout



(5 min.) Cool Down

1-2 min. Wall facing stretch
1 min. Each side wall calf stretch


150 Toe-taps
150 ft. handstand walk*
50 step ups


100 Toe-taps
100 ft. handstand walk
40 step ups


50 Toe-taps
50 ft. handstand walk
30 step ups


25 single unders
25 ft. handstand walk
20 DB step ups

*If handstand walking is not going to be possible, perform box or pike round the worlds. Reps of 8-10-12-14-16.



Time to complete workout.



Handstand walk: can perform less distance (with the goal of completion to be within 4-5 sets), can scale to wall facing lateral handstand walk (against the wall) in increments of 10 feet one way and 10 feet back = 20 feet. Or, perform box/pike round the worlds as suggested in the brief.

Step-ups: choose a weight that will be sets around 10 (minimum) – 20 (maximum) reps at a time, then scale for box height.

If you can’t step UP onto anything, have them perform lunges instead.

Toe-taps: find something to perform lateral jumps over, or perform jumping jacks.


WOD Goal

It is beneficial to hit this workout at an 80% pace overall so that you do not trip up on the inversion work. Going at too fast of a pace on the step ups and tightness in your shoulders while jump roping can make the slippery slope of the handstands much more challenging.

Jump roping today is singles, which for some people who are used to doubles, is more challenging to revert back to. Reinforce elbows in, shoulders retracted, butt squeezed, and ankles together on the jump so that you are jumping efficiently.

Choose a step up weight that is light-moderate so that you can stay moving relatively quickly with set rep ranges around 10-20 (max). Reps are one per leg and you can hold the DB (single DB) anyhow.

Single unders and step ups will be a slow grind, but consistency will be key. Complete the handstand walks in as few sets as possible, with the overall goal being to complete each round of handstand walking in increments of 25 ft. Proficient athletes will be able to complete this workout in around 12-15 mins. For the majority, we will allow 20 minutes.

* Most will be performing box/pike round the worlds. Ideally, you should be able to perform your version in 2-3 sets for each round.


150 single unders
150 ft. handstand walk
50 Single DB step ups


100 single unders
100 ft. handstand walk
40 DB step ups


50 single unders
50 ft. handstand walk
30 DB step ups


25 single unders
25 ft. handstand walk
20 DB step ups


DB: 50/35 lb.



Time to complete workout.



Handstand walk: can perform less distance (with the goal of completion to be within 4-5 sets), can scale to wall facing lateral handstand walk (against the wall) in increments of 10 feet one way and 10 feet back = 20 feet. Or, perform box/pike round the worlds as suggested in the brief.

Step-ups: choose a weight that will be sets around 10 (minimum) – 20 (maximum) reps at a time, then scale for box height.

If you can’t step UP onto anything, have them perform lunges instead.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout will be a medium to longer grinder in which a shoulder-dominated, technique-oriented movement (handstands) is combined with a heavy leg demand (step ups) and passive shoulder demand (holding DBs), all combined with the jump (legs) and turnover of a jump rope (shoulders.)

It is beneficial to hit this workout at an 80% pace overall so that you do not trip up on the inversion work. Going at too fast of a pace on the step ups and tightness in your shoulders while jump roping can make the slippery slope of the handstands much more challenging.

Jump roping today is singles, which for some people who are used to doubles, is more challenging to revert back to. Reinforce elbows in, shoulders retracted, butt squeezed, and ankles together on the jump so that you are jumping efficiently.

Choose a step up weight that is light-moderate so that you can stay moving relatively quickly with set rep ranges around 10-20 (max). Reps are one per leg and you can hold the DB (single DB) anyhow.

* If handstand walking is not going to be possible, perform box or pike round the worlds. Reps of 8-10-12-14-16.


Single unders and step ups will be a slow grind, but consistency will be key. Complete the handstand walks in as few sets as possible, with the overall goal being to complete each round of handstand walking in increments of 25 ft. Proficient athletes will be able to complete this workout in around 12-15 mins. For the majority, we will allow 20 minutes.

* Most will be performing box/pike round the worlds. Ideally, you should be able to perform your version in 2-3 sets for each round.


150 single unders
150 ft. handstand walk
50 Single DB step ups


100 single unders
100 ft. handstand walk
40 DB step ups


50 single unders
50 ft. handstand walk
30 DB step ups


25 single unders
25 ft. handstand walk
20 DB step ups


DB: 50/35 lb.


Time to complete workout.



Handstand walk: can perform less distance (with the goal of completion to be within 4-5 sets), can scale to wall facing lateral handstand walk (against the wall) in increments of 10 feet one way and 10 feet back = 20 feet. Or, perform box/pike round the worlds as suggested in the brief.

Step-ups: choose a weight that will be sets around 10 (minimum) – 20 (maximum) reps at a time, then scale for box height.


WOD Goal

Today’s workout will be a medium to longer grinder in which a shoulder-dominated, technique-oriented movement (handstands) is combined with a heavy leg demand (step ups) and passive shoulder demand (holding DBs), all combined with the jump (legs) and turnover of a jump rope (shoulders.)

It is beneficial to hit this workout at an 80% pace overall so that you do not trip up on the inversion work. Going at too fast of a pace on the step ups and tightness in your shoulders while jump roping can make the slippery slope of the handstands much more challenging.

Jump roping today is singles, which for some people who are used to doubles, is more challenging to revert back to. Reinforce elbows in, shoulders retracted, butt squeezed, and ankles together on the jump so that you are jumping efficiently.

Choose a step up weight that is light-moderate so that you can stay moving relatively quickly with set rep ranges around 10-20 (max). Reps are one per leg and you can hold the DB (single DB) anyhow.

* If handstand walking is not going to be possible, perform box or pike round the worlds. Reps of 8-10-12-14-16.


Single unders and step ups will be a slow grind, but consistency will be key. Complete the handstand walks in as few sets as possible, with the overall goal being to complete each round of handstand walking in increments of 25 ft. Proficient athletes will be able to complete this workout in around 12-15 mins. For the majority, we will allow 20 minutes.

* Most will be performing box/pike round the worlds. Ideally, you should be able to perform your version in 2-3 sets for each round.



Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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