15 Aug HOME WOD – Saturday 15 August 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminMake sure you choose the correct modification for those leg raises. Ideally, fresh you should be able to perform 5+ reps unbroken. For the second part, shoot for 5+ rounds in 5 minutes.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(5 min.) Warm-up row, run, skip or chase the dog / kids!
10 x Shuttle Runs 10m there and back
Bear crawl 10m
Inch worm 10m
20 x Mountain Climbers
20 x Jumping Jacks
20 x Spidermans
(2 Rounds)
Fully and Partially Loaded
(5-10 min) Review squat clean and power clean with an empty barbell/single dumbbell
Use clean part of Oly complex with an empty barbell.
* perform as many reps as needed at each progression for them to be moving well
(15 min.) Prep for workout
3 Hang power clean + 3 front squats
2 Hang squat clean
1 Power clean
2 rounds
* FL: Add load each round
* PL: use two DB on second round
2 Squat clean
2 Power clean
2-3 rounds
* FL: Add load each round. The second or third set should be at their working weight.
(15 min.) Prep for the workout
10 Alt. Standing high knee raises (no jump yet)
10 Strict sit-ups
2 rounds
6 High Knees
6 Anchored leg raises
2 rounds
* Prep as needed for the workout
(20 min.) Perform workout
3-5 rounds
25 Fast High Knees
or 10 x Burpees
Max set unbroken Anchored Leg Raises
Rest 5 min.
AMRAP 20 High Knees + 10 Anchored Leg Raises in 5 minutes,
Or V-Ups.
Two scores:
Part 1: total anchored leg raises across the 3 rounds.
Part 2: As many rounds and reps as possible of high knees+leg raises in 5 minutes.
* 20 High knees+10 leg raises = 1 round. Any reps outside of that = single reps.
Scale the high knees as mentioned in the brief. Scale the leg raises using one of the progressions in the video.
WOD Goal
For these athletes, we wanted to get your legs moving and then incorporate a more skilled, slower style movement to balance things out, which is why we chose the anchored leg raises.
A break in the leg raise = if you rest your legs on the ground in any way. More than the 1 sec. tap for each rep.
For the high knees, there is no real movement standard for this one, except aiming to get your thighs at least parallel to the ground when you jump. If you are concerned about more jumping from yesterday, perform a reverse lunge into high knee step instead.
Make sure you choose the correct modification for those leg raises. Ideally, fresh you should be able to perform 5+ reps unbroken. For the second part, shoot for 5+ rounds in 5 minutes.
3 rounds
10 DB Squat Clean (50/35 lb.)
Max set unbroken DB Squat Clean
Rest 5 min.
AMRAP DB Power Clean in 5 minutes.
Two scores:
Part 1: total squat cleans across the 3 rounds.
Part 2: As many reps as possible of power cleans in 5 minutes.
Reduce/increase reps to something that challenges them appropriately. Then, use one dumbbell and perform SA cleans, switching as needed. Or, use one dumbbell in both hands held sideways.
WOD Goal
A little variance on the above stimulus. We are working on volume at a moderate load instead. For the first part we are sticking with squat cleans for both movements. An unbroken set of power cleans with dumbbells may go a little longer than anyone would like. Everything else from above applies for these athletes with regards to how much rest to take between movements and then moving into the second part of the workout.
The second half is where you get to rack up some power cleans. These don’t need to be done unbroken.
Depending on dumbbell loads, this workout will vary slightly in stimulus. Adjust the reps of the squat cleans up or down to make them the right amount of challenge. For the unbroken set, you should shoot for 8+ reps of squat cleans.
You will be plenty recovered going into the second part of the workout. Have the shoot for 10-15 reps per minute of power cleans, with an overall total of 70+ reps.
3 rounds
3 Squat Clean (185/125 lb.)
Max set unbroken Power Clean
Rest 5 min.
Find your heaviest 3 rep Power Clean in 5 min.
Two scores:
Part 1: total power cleans across the 3 sets.
Part 2: Score heaviest 3 rep power clean.
Scale the load as needed. Ideally, use the same load for the squat and power clean.
WOD Goal
Heavy lifting metcon day today for you. For the first couplet, we designed it so the 3 squat cleans would be heavy, then still a heavy power clean, but ‘less’ so than the squat. The goal being 5 + reps unbroken. We want you to be fatigued going into the second part of the workout so you will have an additional challenge when trying to go for the heavy power clean. In many cases people actually PR your lifts this way because you are thoroughly warmed up and you need to focus a little more on every lift!
You can rest between the squat clean and max unbroken power clean set, but no more than 30 sec. The set of power cleans are one max set unbroken. You need to tap and go each rep. You can’t rest on the ground. You can rest in the hang, or on the shoulders. There is no built in rest between sets of part 1. You rest as you need it.
* You need to use the same load for the squat cleans and power cleans.
You will need to keep track of your own time since it will be slightly different for each athlete. Time is not scored however, so there is no benefit to doing it really fast. The 5 min rest between part 1 and 2 is a strict 5 min. You can have as many attempts at the max load 3 rep power clean as you want in the 5 min allocated. These also need to be done unbroken. Dropping between reps isn’t allowed.
The main focus today is the 3 rep power clean at the end. BUT, we don’t really to advertise that since you will possibly sandbag the first part if you know the second part is ‘more important’. Also, if you don’t give 100% effort on Part 1, you lose the intended stimulus for part 2. The goal for Part 1 is that the top athletes will perform the 3 squat cleans unbroken, then accumulate roughly 5-10 reps of power cleans unbroken each round. For most other athletes who are doing the rx’d loads, you will do each squat clean in singles and then most likely perform 5+ reps of the power cleans at that same load.
Having a strategy for part 2 is important. Five minutes will allow for 2 attempts, 3 at a stretch! The should aim to hit your max load on the second attempt and have a little time buffer in case you miss, so you can try again, OR add load and go for another set.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.