18 Jul HOME WOD – Saturday 18 July 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminToday we have a longer grinder in store. It is Saturday after all. Wait, is it? đ We donât even know anymore.
If you have worked out every day this week, today might need a little switch up. It is another shoulder burner. The plane of movement is different to yesterday, but it still requires a lot of the same muscles to work. Feel them out and how you are feeling and if you are good to go, or need a variation. Switch in good-mornings or a 100-200 m run each round.
The pike round the worlds are done 5 one direction, 5 the other.
Briefing video for Unloaded Workout
Daily Board
Partially Loaded & Rx’d
(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)
(5-10 min.) Downward Dog Freeze Tag Game
Designate an area for them to play in. For every 10 people playing, have one person be the âtagger.â If there are more than 10 players, have two taggers. Every time they tag someone, that person needs to freeze in a Downward Dog position. Anyone can âunfreezeâ them by diving under and through them. They are then free to run around again. Play for a few minutes, then switch out the taggers with different people.
(5 min.) Rowing Prep
In their partners, have them perform:
3 rounds each of 20 sec. on/10 sec. off of Rowing
* While Partner 1 performs the Tabata on the Rower, Partner 2 performs the Long Lunge Sequence in a continuous manner.
(10-15 min.) Review and Prep for Deadlifts
Briefly review the Deadlift as a group. Perform as many reps as needed to have them moving well.
Then, in their partners, have them perform (I-go-you-go style):
8 Deadlifts
6 Deadlifts
4 Deadlifts
* Increase the load each set. The last set of 4 should be performed at their working weight.
* If they need another 1-2 sets to get to their working weight, that is fine.
(5 min.) Prep for the Workout
Practice the Buddy Carry for 100 m (50 m each). Let them figure out the best method to carry one another.
Then, perform 10 Lateral Over-the-bar Jumps each.
* Prep as needed for the Workout.
(20 min.) Perform the Workout
10Â Pike/Floor round the worlds
20 Air Squats
25 ft. Crab Walk
5 Rounds
Time to complete the workout.
WOD Goal
Today we have a longer grinder in store. It is Saturday after all. Wait, is it? đ We donât even know anymore.
If you have worked out every day this week, today might need a little switch up. It is another shoulder burner. The plane of movement is different to yesterday, but it still requires a lot of the same muscles to work. Feel them out and how you are feeling and if you are good to go, or need a variation. Switch in good-mornings or a 100-200 m run each round.
The pike round the worlds are done 5 one direction, 5 the other.
The Pike round the worlds are time consuming. Each rep can take up to 10 seconds, which means 10 reps will take over a minute. The air squats will be the fastest, easiest thing to get through quickly and will be a nice break from being inverted or in a supine (crab) position. If space is an issue, have yourself march for 20 crabs on the spot, or use the scaling below.
The workout is going to probably be completed pretty quickly. Add a few extra rounds if you need to! Otherwise spend the rest of the time on some much needed mobility/body work. Especially through the upper body.
(10 min.) Run, row, skip, fast feet etc.
Perform 10 of the following:
Pike Push-up
Mountain Climbers
Pulsing Air Squats
Shuttle Runs
(2 Rounds)
(10 min.) Mobility
10Â Up and over the fence
10 Alt. Warrior pose
10Â Sit-up to straddle
10 Sit-up to pike
(1-2 rounds)
(10 min) Prep for the workout:
Fully and Partially loaded:
10 Kb/Db Deadlift
8 Kb/Db Russian Swing
6 Kb/Db SDHP
4 Kb/Db Goblet Squats
100 m Carry
(2 Rounds)
1 min. Wall facing stretch
1 min. Sit-up to straddle â hold the top position
1 min. Sit-up to pike â hold the top position
Row 500 m
200 m DB Carry
40 DB Deadlifts
30 Over the DB hops
3 Rounds
* Dble dumbbell jump-overs
Everyone: The goal for today is for partners to communicate, have fun, and get a great workout in. The key to maximizing intensity is to have seamless transitions and know when their partner needs help by calling audibles. For the Buddy Carry, the goal is to carry their partner 100 m without putting them down, and then switch. It is not mandatory that the Carry is unbroken, but in order to finish the round within the 6-min. window, it would be in their best interest if they performed it that way! For the Deadlifts, choose a weight where they can complete sets of 10-15 reps at a time; it should be a moderate load where they feel comfortable, but are challenged. For the Lateral Over-the-bar Jumps, theyâll likely be able to hit these fast, splitting them up as 15/15.
Fitness: This group will finish their 500-m Row in around 2:00. For the Buddy Carry, it is most likely that youâll need to scale the distance or move to a Shouldered Object Carry so that they can finish in 90 sec. â 2 min. Athletes in this category should be finishing their rounds right around 5 min.
Time to complete each round added up together (i.e., 4:50 + 5:00 + 5:10 = 15 min.)
Row: Scale the distance so that the effort takes no longer than 2 min.
Buddy Carry: First, scale the distance of the Carry so that the total effort for both partners can be completed in 90 sec. when fresh or 2 min. when fatigued. Then, if partners do not wish to carry one another, have them share a Sandbag or a set of DBs shouldered in place of a person across their body. Scale the load accordingly.
Deadlifts: Scale the Barbell load.
Lateral Over-the-bar Hops: Instead of jumping laterally over a Bar, scale by having athletes jump over a DB or an object closer to the ground. Then, have them scale further by jumping laterally over a crack in the ground.
Back Squats
* Optional Finisher â Back Squat Challenge (Performed Nov. 2019)
Everyone: The goal for today is for partners to communicate, have fun, and get a great workout in. The key to maximizing intensity is to have seamless transitions and know when their partner needs help by calling audibles. For the Buddy Carry, the goal is to carry their partner 100 m without putting them down, and then switch. It is not mandatory that the Carry is unbroken, but in order to finish the round within the 6-min. window, it would be in their best interest if they performed it that way! For the Deadlifts, choose a weight where they can complete sets of 10-15 reps at a time; it should be a moderate load where they feel comfortable, but are challenged. For the Lateral Over-the-bar Jumps, theyâll likely be able to hit these fast, splitting them up as 15/15.
Competitor: This group will likely be able to complete the 500-m Row around 1:30. For the Buddy Carry, theyâll likely be able to jog with their partner on their back, taking about 90 sec. to finish the 200 m. Athletes in this category should be finishing their rounds in under 5 min.
Rxâd: This group will likely complete the 500-m Row in around 1:45. For the Buddy Carry, theyâll likely take upwards of 2 min. to finish, walking most of the time. Athletes in this category should be finishing their rounds right around 5 min.
Time to complete each round added up together (i.e., 4:50 + 5:00 + 5:10 = 15 min.)
Row: Scale the distance so that the effort takes no longer than 2 min.
Buddy Carry: First, scale the distance of the Carry so that the total effort for both partners can be completed in 90 sec. when fresh or 2 min. when fatigued. Then, if partners do not wish to carry one another, have them share a Sandbag or a set of DBs shouldered in place of a person across their body. Scale the load accordingly.
Deadlifts: Scale the Barbell load.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.