23 Sep HOME WOD – Wednesday 23 September 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminYou have another day of running ahead of you. If you want, you could perform a form of jumping or step-ups instead. If you think you will be getting longer than 1 minute rest, increase either the squat or running volume per round.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(20-25 min.) Bullet Proof Hips Warm-up – from Active Life Rx’d
Warm-up with:
Side Shuffles: 10 x 10-m
Banded Posterior Hip Distraction: 2 minutes each leg
Lateral Leg Swings: x 10 each leg
2 rounds
Accessory Work:
Box Step Ups: 3 x 8 each leg while holding light KBs or DBs in both hands, increase to heavy weight by the last set. The box height should be above your knee if capable. You can scale down if needed, but still aim to challenge yourself. (6 sets total)
* In between sets, perform 5-10 reps each side of ankle stretch drill.
Fully and Partially Loaded
(10 min.) Review and prep for the back squat
As a group, review the back squat with the empty barbell/dumbbell as;
5 x 1 back squat + 5 sec. pause at the bottom
5 x 5 sec. descent back squat (take 5 sec. to get to the bottom of the squat) – fast ascent
5 x Back squats
Then, perform;
2 x 10 Back squats
* The second set should be at their working weight.
20 High Knees
20 Samson Stretch + Lunge
10 Long Lunges
10 Bootstrap squats
10 Alt. Warrior stretch.
10 Dynamic Frog stretches
(5 min.) Prep for the workout
With their workout weight, perform;
10 Back Squats + 50 m barbell/dumbbell walk
UL: 30 Air Squats + 100-m run.
* rest as needed before starting
(15 min.) Perform workout
5 rounds
50 Air Squat
100-m Run
Perform one round every 3 min.
Time taken to complete the workout
Air squat: Increase or reduce the reps as needed.
Run: Increase the distance as needed, or switch for a jumping movement instead.
WOD Goal
You have another day of running ahead of you. If you want, you could perform a form of jumping or step-ups instead. If you think you will be getting longer than 1 minute rest, increase either the squat or running volume per round.
We want the goal to be to do each round as quickly as you can. The quicker you get through both movements, the quicker you get to put the load down and spend the remaining time recovering.
Each round should take about 90 seconds – 2 minutes. On the quicker side for the earlier rounds and a little longer for the later rounds.
If you don’t think you can move fast during the squats for 25 reps with the load prescribed, you should scale today. This isn’t a workout to try to do the load because it seems like it isn’t heavy. Maybe it isn’t for 10 reps, but 25 is a lot! Unbroken each round is the goal.
5 rounds
50 back squat
100-m DB Carry on back
Perform one round every 3 min.
Time taken to complete the workout
Back squat: Add load and perform a front squat as needed.
Carry: Add load and perform farmers carry as needed.
WOD Goal
We want the goal to be to do each round as quickly as you can. The quicker you get through both movements, the quicker you get to put the load down and spend the remaining time recovering.
Each round should take about 90 seconds – 2 minutes. On the quicker side for the earlier rounds and a little longer for the later rounds.
If you don’t think you can move fast during the squats for 25 reps with the load prescribed, you should scale today. This isn’t a workout to try to do the load because it seems like it isn’t heavy. Maybe it isn’t for 10 reps, but 25 is a lot! Unbroken each round is the goal.
The carry won’t feel that bad for the first few rounds, but once you are fatigued, holding that barbell up there after their squats will start to get uncomfortable!.
5 rounds
25 back squat (115/75 lb.)
100-m barbell walk (on back)
Perform one round every 3 min.
Time taken to complete the workout
Back squat: Reduce the load as needed.
Carry: Reduce the load as needed, perform on the spot march or hold as needed.
WOD Goal
We want the goal to be to do each round as quickly as you can. The quicker you get through both movements, the quicker you get to put the load down and spend the remaining time recovering.
Each round should take about 90 seconds – 2 minutes. On the quicker side for the earlier rounds and a little longer for the later rounds.
If you don’t think you can move fast during the squats for 25 reps with the load prescribed, you should scale today. This isn’t a workout to try to do the load because it seems like it isn’t heavy. Maybe it isn’t for 10 reps, but 25 is a lot! Unbroken each round is the goal.
The carry won’t feel that bad for the first few rounds, but once you are fatigued, holding that barbell up there after their squats will start to get uncomfortable!
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.