30 Sep HOME WOD – Wednesday 30th September 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminThe goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform their sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, they will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.
They should spend the time they are performing these movements to try catch their breath, so they can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. They won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if they resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(10 min.) Warm-up – if you can’t partner up, alternate movements.
EMOM 10 Alternating
Partner 1: 45 sec. Running Drill
Partner 2: 45 sec. Slam Ball or DB Slam Movement
*5 rounds each
Running/slam ball movements per round:
Round 1 – shuttle runs & slam ball deadlifts
Round 2 – backwards running & slam ball goblet squats
Round 3 – side shuffle & slam ball presses
Round 4 – high knees & slam balls
Round 5 – butt kickers & slam balls
(5 min.) Quick Mobility
3 reps each side – Supine bridge w. reach (10 sec hold at each side)
6 Down dog to cobra
6 reps – lying wall hands to toes
2 rounds
(10-15 min.) GHD Skill Work
Everyone together:
30 sec. Superman hold
30 sec. Deadbugs
Together or two groups:
10 reps Back extension OR Jefferson curl (if no GHDs)
10-20 reps Heel touches (use crack in the floor)
10 reps hip extension OR plate good mornings (if no GHDs)
10 reps GHD sit ups (limited or full ROM)
(5-10 min.) Prep for the workout
10 reps of each movement
Mb sit-up to throw/Db sit-up + press/Sit-up
Kb swing/DB swing/good-mornings
* Prep as needed for the workout.
(18 min.) Perform workout
2 rounds
200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP Sit-ups
rest 1 min.
2 rounds
400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Good-mornings
rest 1 min.
Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.
Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.
Sit-up: Modify to a seated position feet/knee raise off the ground.
Good-mornings: adjust ROM to accommodate mobility limitations.
WOD Goal
The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.
You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.
Add load to the good-mornings if possible.
2 rounds
200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP 10 Sit-up + 5 DB Seated Press
rest 1 min.
2 rounds
400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Db Swings
rest 1 min.
Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.
Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.
Sit-up + DB Seated Press: Omit the press portion.
DB Swing: Reduce to a russian swing.
WOD Goal
Today’s workout features some running to loosen the legs up and two different anterior chain (front of the body) hip flexion (closing) movements. Hips are the predominant driver in the sit-up and swings, but abdominals will be firing too, as you should be bracing!
The first couplet is 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest for three rounds, where athletes run 200 m and then perform sit-ups with the remaining time in 2 minutes, a total of 8 minutes for this section.
After the 1 minute rest of the first couplet, the second couplets work time is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest for 2 rounds, a total of 8 minutes of work but 10 total minutes. Athletes will run a 400 m and then return and perform AMRAP swings for the remainder of the window of time.
The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.
You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.
For the PL sit-up + press, perform 10 sit-ups + 5 seated DB press (both hands on db). Count each rep as 1 rep. If you are able to sit-up with your db, then you can perform it as a DB sit-up + seated press. We suspect this might be too heavy for most people however.
2 rounds
200-m Run
with what time is remaining of
3 min. perform AMRAP Mb Sit-up + Throw to wall
rest 1 min.
2 rounds
400-m Run
with what time is remaining of 4 min.
perform AMRAP Kb Swings
rest 1 min.
Total number of reps performed of sit-ups and swings – across all rounds.
Ideally everyone should run, but if you need to modify, use a 250-m and 500-m row instead.
Mb sit-up to throw: Reduce the mb load, then omit the throw if needed.
Kb swing: Reduce the load, then perform russian swings if needed.
WOD Goal
Today’s workout features some running to loosen the legs up and two different anterior chain (front of the body) hip flexion (closing) movements. Hips are the predominant driver in the sit-up and swings, but abdominals will be firing too, as you should be bracing!
The first couplet is 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest for three rounds, where athletes run 200 m and then perform sit-ups with the remaining time in 2 minutes, a total of 8 minutes for this section.
After the 1 minute rest of the first couplet, the second couplets work time is 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of rest for 2 rounds, a total of 8 minutes of work but 10 total minutes. Athletes will run a 400 m and then return and perform AMRAP swings for the remainder of the window of time.
The goal is to run hard! For all four efforts. For the first couplet, most athletes will have roughly around 90 sec. To perform your sit-up version. The goal should be to accumulate 20 + reps within this time. For the second couplet, you will have around 2 minutes. Upwards of 30+ swings will be possible.
You should spend the time you are performing these movements to try catch your breath, so you can hit the run hard again. This means relaxing into the movements in a way that allows this. You won’t make full recoveries by any means, but if you resist and take short quick breaths, it will be harder to push in those last two 400 m efforts.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.