1-2-3-2-1 minutes
Row for Cals.
Devils Press (40/25 lb.)
Total number reps
Row: As mentioned above, modify to double-under, or to the bike if possible.
Devils press: Either scale the load down, you should be able to work consistently without your form breaking down for at least 5+ reps in a row. Or, perform with one dumbbell. Choose whether you hold the DB in one hand or both hands. It doesn’t matter, just be consistent across the day.
WOD Goal
Today’s workout is a pyramid of time, where you start out with a minute at each movement, then with no rest, go into a straight 2 minutes of each movement, repeating for 3 minutes, and then back down to 2 minutes, with the final round of 1 minute. It is a total of 9 minutes at each movement, 18 minutes total.
After a bit of leg relief yesterday (as we hit the shoulders and forearms heavily), today will be on a leg stamina and endurance emphasis. The first movement is monostructural and is designed to be a steady grind. The most challenging station mentally will be the devil’s press, as you fatigue, each rep will become a challenge.
This combination of rowing/du and the devils press will blast both your legs and arms, so make sure that you are not going into the red zone on the row/du before hitting the devils press, however, watch out for sandbagging on the rower/du as well! We want them to feel as though your DP are challenged by the work you did prior and not like an “active recovery” on the rower/du.
We are featuring Project Inversion Session #12 today. Use it as a way to get some blood flowing through the shoulders and prep for today. If you are feeling a little beaten up, don’t challenge the movements too much for the inversion work. Scale down to match your level of tolerance.
* The devils press is done WITH a burpee.
You should aim to be consistent across the 18 minutes. The challenge here is to not go out too hot in the first minute. A good goal would be to maintain 20/12 cal. per minute on the rower, with a steady devils press pace. Some will be able to perform a big set of DP at the get to and then manageable sets thereafter (10+ per minute), or others will like to start out by performing sets of 8-12 from the get go, managing your work to rest ratio across the board.
For the PL folk, the double-unders will elicit a slightly different stimulus to the row. It will be a little harder to manage your breathing from the du into the DP, unless you pace yourself well on those double-unders, which might mean, intentionally taking breaks every 50 reps or so. A good average would be around 50 reps per minute, a little higher for others and a little lower for those who are just getting the hang of the movement.