HOME WOD – Tuesday 21 April 2020
WOD Goal
Fully Loaded: The load is intended to be really heavy. Doing the sets of hang squat snatch + OH squats unbroken will be really challenging for most you. Some of you stronger athletes may be able to do your first round unbroken, but might have trouble with the rest. A reasonable amount of breaking up would be doing all the hang squat snatches unbroken, then all the OH squats unbroken. If you start off with doing sets of 1 rep at a time, the load is too heavy. Scale as needed.
Partially Loaded: Both dumbbell movements today can be awkward if you lack the ROM to move easily through the positions. This may slow you down a little. That is ok. Today is about being a little awkward, heavy feeling and hard on the shoulders.
FL and PL: Top performers, those who are able to move through each round without much breaking up of sets will be able to perform the workout around 15 min. Allow up to 20 min for most you to complete. Intensity will be relative today, given how heavy the load is for you. We are ok for you to be a little slower and struggle through today. The workout is as much a mental challenge as it is physical.
The handstand push-ups might start feeling a little harder than normal, given the high shoulder volume this workout demands. Ideally unbroken sets would be great, but after round 1, you will most likely be breaking you up two or even three times. That is fine. If you are starting out with sets lower than 3, then you should scale the movement.
Unloaded: The HSPU will be the limiting factor here today. Make sure you find a modification that will really challenge you and make you break these up into sets of roughly 3-4. The other two movements should be done quickly and unbroken. Your total time (for 5 rounds) will be around 12-14 minutes.
Briefing video
Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.
(10 min.) Running warm-up
Run 400 m together with 1 PVC OR broomstick
At 100 m, perform
10 Overhead squats
At 200 m perform;
10 Hang power snatch
At 300 m perform;
10 Snatch grip deadlifts
At 400 m perform;
10 Sots press
(5-10 min.) Inverted Prep
2 x 30 sec. Handstand hold – 30sec rest QUICK SCALE Walk hands up wall or hold a pike push-up position
* Make the second hold a little harder (if it wasn’t challenging) – face the wall, freestanding….
2 x 15 sec. of shoulder shrugs while in handstand hold – 15 sec rest
2 x 30 sec. slow negative lowers – 30 sec. rest QUICK SCALE Use abmats or perform 30 sec of slow controlled pike push-ups
(10-20 min.) Review movements and prep for workout
Fully and Partially Loaded
Review snatch/OH squat with a PVC/broomstick and/or empty barbell/one db.
Work these positions;
Snatch balance – hang power snatch – hang squat snatch
* Do as many reps as needed to have them moving well in each position.
* Go over how to cycle a heavy load in the hang position.
Then, prep with:
2 x 3 Hang Squat Snatch + 4 OH Squat
2 x 2 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 OH Squat
+ 5 Kipping HSPU between each set – use workout modification here.
* Aim for each set to be unbroken.
* Add load each set
* The last set should be done at their working weight for FL.
Handstand Push-up – use mod here.
Get down/up (total reps)
10 Air squats between each set
* Prep as needed for the Workout
(20 min.) Perform workout
5 Rounds
9 Plank Get-down/ups
24 Air Squats
9 Handstand Push-up
Time to complete the workout
5 Rounds
6 SA DB Hang Squat Snatch (50/35 lb.)
12 SA OH Squat
9 Handstand Push-up
Time to complete the workout
5 Rounds
3 Hang Squat Snatch (heavy)
6 OH Squat
9 Handstand Push-up
Time to complete the workout
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.
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