HOME WOD – Thursday 23 April 2020


Fully Loaded

Yesterday we took a break from weightlifting and overhead movements. Today is about focusing on technique and getting some time under tension overhead for all three pressing movements.

Partially Loaded

We have increased the overall volume to each set for you. The design is still to go unbroken. Also, If the dumbbells are heavy enough to feel challenged by less reps, do that. But most people won’t have heavy enough dumbbells for this.


We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practice and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement.



Briefing video



Daily Board. Scaling options are in red.







(5 min.) Warm-up

T-spine rotation with shoulder rolls
6-point burpees
Air squat to up and over the fence


(5 min.) More Shoulder prep

Lying internal/external shoulder rotations– 30 sec. Each side.
1 min. Split stance T-spine rotation



(10 min.) Review and Prep for Pressing


Fully and Partially Loaded

With a PVC/Barbell/DB (use one here), quickly review the Press – Push Press and Push Jerk. Get them moving well through all the positions. Spend some more time on the Push Jerk if needed.

Then, perform 3 rounds of the complex to work up to their first set:
1 Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk
* Increase the load each time for FL to get to their starting weight.
* For PL, use this to find what version they will use and if they need to add more reps, take one DB away etc.



Perform the following:

5 x Kick up-down handstand holds – hold each one for about 3 sec. – use half handstands as a scale.
5 Inverted shoulder shrugs – scale to pike hold shoulder shrugs.
5 Pike handstand push-ups

Then, using their version or modified version, perform 1 round to test for any adjustments needed.


(20-25 min.) Perform Lifting/Getting inverted portion.

* Perform a set every 3-4 min. (less rest in the earlier rounds and more rest in the later rounds)


(10 min.) Perform Finisher

* Take a few minutes to prep and then get straight into it!

We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practice and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement. If you aren’t into getting inverted more than once per week, we will offer a variation in the goal section below.

For your finisher, you will perform death by kick-sits. Every minute have them add two kick-sits, one for each side.


7 Rounds

1 Strict HSPU
2 Kipping HSPU
Max Unbroken Handstand Hold

Death by Kick-sits



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.


WOD Goal

Unloaded: This is going to be a challenge for you to perform unbroken, or at all. So, be loose on the guidelines and then continue to modify from there. For those not wanting to get inverted, perform this instead:

Pike round the worlds(in both directions, so 2 total) Or 4 Wall Walks
4 15 sec. Push-ups (take a full 15 sec. To get down and up)
6 2-fer-1 Burpees
7 rounds.

For the finisher, a good goal would be to reach the set of 10-12 reps.



Complex: Either use the option above in the goal section, or scale it as:
2 negative strict lowers
4 wall climbs – as high as possible
Max handstand hold – scale to a pike handstand hold.

Kick-sits: Scale to an emom of 15 sec. Supine plank + 15 sec. On the spot bear crawls/marches. Go for up to 5-6 minutes.

We have increased the overall volume to each set for you. The design is still to go unbroken. Also, If the dumbbells are heavy enough to feel challenged by less reps, do that. But most people won’t have heavy enough dumbbells for this.

The death by Single Arm. DB high pull is similar to the strict pull-ups in that the movement is limited by strength through this range and doesn’t allow additional hip power to decrease the difficulty. It isn’t a SDHP, but a strict standing high pull. For this, you add two reps every minute, on each side.


7 Rounds

2 SA. DB Press
4 SA. DB Push Press
6 SA. DB Push Jerk

* Holding two DB’s.


Death by SA. DB High Pull



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.

We got inverted a few days ago. The focus is different today. This is an opportunity to practise and work strength in this position. The complex is to be done unbroken ideally. For the hold, if you can’t hold for longer than 15 sec in a handstand, scale the movement. If you aren’t into getting inverted more than once per week, we will offer a variation in the goal section below.

For your finisher, you will perform death by kick-sits. Every minute have them add two kick-sits, one for each side.


7 Rounds

1 Press
2 Push Press
3 Push Jerk

* Not For Time


Death by Strict Pull-ups



Part 1: Score all 7 rounds for load

* Unloaded the score is the length of the handstand hold.

Part 2: Score total reps. So if they make it to round 10, their score would be 55 reps.



Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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