
HOME WOD – Thursday 16 April 2020

Fully and Partially Loaded: The work to rest ratio spread is different for each section. The first 5 minutes will be about maximising your rest to get the highest load. The second 5 minutes will be about getting the 800 m done as quickly as…

HOME WOD – Friday 10 April 2020

Today is going to be a little more challenging on their lungs and shoulder strength. Start with the jumping jacks to kick the workout off. For the burpees, choose a target that is at least two hands above your reach to ensure you leave the…

HOME WOD – Thursday 9 April 2020

Today we have a two part workout. The first is about getting some load/volume (partially loaded) on their body and the second part is about getting sweaty and further fatiguing/working those legs in both unilateral and regular squatting.   WOD Goal Fully Loaded: Go as…

HOME WOD – Wednesday 8 April 2020

WOD Design and Logistics It’s like fight gone bad, but really really bad! Two minutes of any low skill, repetitive movement is tough, and all these movements specifically are all those types that when you attack them with 100%, they have the potential to really…