HOME WOD – Monday 27 April 2020
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There is no video today, it’s that simple! Check out the board and detail below and rock it!:-) Send photos or videos of your workout to www.facebook.com/crossfitplett or #crossfitplett on Instagram. Share this:
WOD Goal Fully Loaded: We want you to find the appropriate load for you. It is prescribed as ¾ body weight, but that might be too heavy for some of you. The goal is to be able to perform all 15 reps unbroken with it…
WOD DESIGN Fully Loaded Yesterday we took a break from weightlifting and overhead movements. Today is about focusing on technique and getting some time under tension overhead for all three pressing movements. Partially Loaded We have increased the overall volume to each set for you….
Lots of hip flexion today. Make sure to save some time at the end of the workout to open up your hips a little. Today is an opportunity to get some time under tension with the Deadlift, or if you are doing the Unloaded, with…