CrossFit Plett

Body Assessments

This is a great opportunity to track your progress and overall fitness goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight or increase your muscle mass, a body assessment will provide you with a benchmark to get you started. If you have any questions please give…

Plett Sports Clinic

We’re pleased to announce the launch of Plett Sports Clinic at the CrossFit Plett premises, upper level Market Square Shopping Centre.   Plett Sports Clinic is a unique and innovative health and fitness training company. We are a team of fitness, sports, nutrition, rehab and…

The Happy Banters inaugural meeting

Don’t miss the inaugural The Happy Banters evening with a nutrition talk by Donald Ravenscroft.   Organised by Banting Betty and Lederle’s, The Happy Banters is a Banting support system where you can feel free to share your stories, openly ask questions, share your difficulties…

Rest & Recovery

For those having a rest day….rest means recovery! Here are some suggestions to help you along:   A. Mobility and Maintenance Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly…

Reebok Promotion

Reebok All Terrain Series R499.95   For existing and new members only! Reebok are offering this promotion to our members only, which is valued at R1399.95! Please book with us now, while stocks last! Please email your shoe size and confirmation of payment either by…

Discovery Vitality members get 25% cash back!

Discovery Vitality members get 25% cash back and earn Vitality points, with Vitality Fit. Activate the benefit on from February 2015. Terms and conditions apply. Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 1999/007736/07.     Share this:

Welcome our new team members!

We have an expanding family…both in our personal family and our CrossFit Team family! On the 8th August, Hannah Grace Ravenscroft graced us with her presence! Another little girl in our family, we’re so grateful for all the love, well wishes and support from you…