Author: Admin

HOME WOD – Tuesday 21 April 2020

WOD Goal Fully Loaded: The load is intended to be really heavy. Doing the sets of hang squat snatch + OH squats unbroken will be really challenging for most you. Some of you stronger athletes may be able to do your first round unbroken, but…

HOME WOD – Monday 20 April 2020

A short AMRAP today to kick off the week. Monostructural combined with light lifting with low reps, calls for some high intensity! Since it is a short workout, we will spend some time in the prep piece working up to a moderately heavy load with…

HOME WOD – Thursday 16 April 2020

Fully and Partially Loaded: The work to rest ratio spread is different for each section. The first 5 minutes will be about maximising your rest to get the highest load. The second 5 minutes will be about getting the 800 m done as quickly as…