
WOD – Friday 16 August 2024


Strength & Skill:

10 Minutes (Every minute on the minute)
Min 1: 1 Back Squat @ 60-65% 1RM Back Squat
Min 2: 1 Back Squat @ 65-70% 1RM Back Squat
Min 3: 1 Back Squat @ 70-75% 1RM Back Squat
Min 4: 1 Back Squat @ 75-80% 1RM Back Squat
Min 5: 1 Back Squat @ 80-83% 1RM Back Squat
Min 6: 1 Back Squat @ 83-85% 1RM Back Squat
Min 7: 1 Back Squat @ 85-88% 1RM Back Squat
Min 8: 1 Back Squat @ 88-90% 1RM Back Squat
Min 9: 1 Back Squat @ 90-93% 1RM Back Squat
Min 10: 1 Back Squat @ 93-95% 1RM Back Squat


100 Double Unders
-straight into-
6 – 4 – 2
Burpee Bar Muscle Ups/ / 12 – 8 – 4 C2Bar
Kettlebell Thrusters (2×24/16kg)
-straight into-
40m Dual Kettlebell Rack Walking Lunge (2×24/16kg)
-straight into-
Burpee Pull Up
Hang Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (2×24/16kg)
-straight into-
100 Double Unders


Intended Workout RPE: 7.5 – 75% – moderate intensity
Target Time: sub 20 minutes
Time Cap: 20 minutes


How to Pace: STEADY! GRIND! There is no rest programmed between anything. It’s all about when you decide to stop and gather yourself. We want to test your mental and physical ability to exert constant effort on each station with little breaks. Use the time between for the majority of your rest time.

How it should Feel: PAIN!! As we said, it’s all about how badly you want to hurt, so make it HURT!


Double Unders: It’s the start and the finish, but let’s still aim to keep these in as big of sets as we can handle.

Burpee Bar Muscle Up: Just be smooth and steady here. If you try to go too fast, you will blow up your shoulders. Big hips every time on the kip.

Double Kettlebell Thrusters: These are unbroken, so take a little breather before picking them up. Use a strong, overly aggressive hip drive to launch the weight up, with a slight pause to breathe at the top.

Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges: The thrusters are the same weight. Let’s try to complete 50-foot sections before resting. Unbroken would be incredible, but it might be wise to break it for longevity purposes.
—-if you don’t have the space to do these as walking, then complete 48 lunges in place!!

Burpee Pull Up: Same as the bar muscle ups. Just be smooth and maybe a little faster pace since it’s much easier, but be mindful of the increased reps.

Hang Kettlebell Clean and Jerks: Big hips through the motion while aiming for complete reps in 2-3 sets (tops). By this point, your body is fried, so do what you have to do to survive. Just don’t get sloppy.



Mobility and Maintenance: Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.

Nutrition Preparation: Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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