21 Nov WOD – Thursday 21 November 2024
WodBlog | AdminPART A: Strength & Skill
*Do a set every 1 minute and 15 seconds.
10 Sets
3 Back Squat @79-84% 1RM Back Squat
4 Sets
18 Calorie Ski
12 Toes to Bar
6 Strict Handstand Push Ups (OR 9 Kipping Handstand Push Ups)
-rest 1:1 between sets-
Intended Workout RPE: 8.5 – 85% – high intensity
Target Time each set: sub 2 minutes
Time Cap each set: 3 minutes
How to Pace: CHALLENGE! It’s a core and shoulder beat down, but the sets are quick. Be aggressive at each station with little to no rest between movements. The faster you go, the faster you turn around on sets, so don’t shoot yourself in the foot by coming out too hot. Come out with confidence and build speed each round if you can.
How it should Feel: GASSY and MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! The upper body is under constant duress, so keep the shoulders loose as much as possible during the rest and transitions.
Calorie Ski: Aggressive (85%) while focusing on breathing, using total body, and rolling out the shoulders on each ascent.
Kipping Toes to Bar: Unbroken is golden! This may get tough as the sets go on and core fatigue builds. Regardless, fight to hold on and be overly aggressive with your hips.
Strict Handstand Push Up or Kipping Handstand Push Up: Unbroken is great,, but be cautious and break into 2 sets before failure creeps up. Drop reps on this before you go to 3 sets here.
Mobility and Maintenance: Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation: Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.